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Death Stranding’s Cast Is Expanded & We Finally Get Some Gameplay Out Of E3

Death Stranding’s Cast Is Expanded & We Finally Get Some Gameplay Out Of E3

Death Stranding

There was more to see for Death Stranding out of E3 and it shows some new gameplay while keeping us all confused about what Death Stranding actually is

Another of the titles we knew were going to be a focus for E3 this year was Death Stranding and many out there were hoping to get a better understanding of what the game is actually going to be about. That is besides being another weird adventure Kojima Productions is going to take us on and house a whole lot of famous actors and directors in the game. Star power can only go so far and even with adding the heroines of Death Stranding in the latest trailer, Léa Seydoux and Lindsay Wagner, we still have a lot we are waiting to get fully defined for the game. We can speculate, which we will, but so far it is only listed as “reconnecting the world” being one of the main goals of the game. I am guessing the game’s world and not our own…

Anyways, we have another lofty trailer for Death Stranding to look at here and if we go on what we have to see here, we are playing “Norman Reedus delivers packages in a weird landscape. That is pretty much what we have to look at here. At least in terms of the gameplay. We also get a look at how far the team is pushing the Decima engine here that Guerrilla has offered up for use. In that arena, Death Stranding is definitely shining as the environments and world look amazing here. Lush, full, and almost lifelike. Just what a lot of us have come to expect from both teams working on the game engine and what Kojima normally brings to the table with his games. Besides the usual weirdness that can make sense in the long run.

Death Stranding — E3 2018 4K Trailer

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all-new, genre-defining experience for the PlayStation 4. Besieged by death’s tide at every turn, Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remnants of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the shattered world one step at a time. What is the mystery of the Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road ahead? A genre-defining gameplay experience holds these answers and more.

Sadly, at least for me, this new trailer for Death Stranding does little to help excite me or get me hyped for the game as it truly does not show much more than the star power being placed in the game and keeping with the oddness. Based on this, all we have is a walking simulator in a weird world where we need to “reconnect the world” somehow. I still do not understand all of the excitement gamers have for the game so far as it looks nice but we could have another No Man’s Sky on our hands. It is doubtful given the track record of Kojima Productions‘ team. I just do not get the excitement everyone has for what little we have on a new IP. If it was established I could get behind it, but it just feels odd to be excited for so little at this point.

To get excited for Death Stranding though, I will speculate on what it looks like could be the point of the game. Could the “reconnecting” be the fact that everyone’s souls have been disconnected and need to be connected back to bodies? It looks like there are a lot of floating souls that have some kind of connection out there and link to the babies somehow. It does not explain the point of Sam being a delivery person here. Well, outside of the team trying to play up the fact that he is supposed to be an “everyman” in Death Stranding. Seems a bit of a stretch here given that I know most “everyman” out there cannot climb or traverse the world as we see here, but then it would not be the most exciting of games. He could also just be a representation of the internet delivering “packages” to the world and the “souls” are just normal humans connecting to the net. Kind of like a weird version of Reboot

Death Stranding — Interview With Hideo Kojima And Hermen Hulst

Hideo Kojima and Hermen Hulst joined us on the PlayStation E3 stage to have a discussion about the new Death Stranding trailer and talk about their collaboration on Decima engine.

Are you in the crazy excited camp for Death Stranding here or do you still need some kind of substance before you get on board for the game? What do you think about the two new cast members we have here for the game and what roles do you think they will ultimately play? What do you think the “reconnection” aspect of the game will truly be or will we have to wait until launch to be fully surprised? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Death Stranding, be sure to keep checking in here. We will hopefully have more true information to share for the game soon and you will be glad you stuck close to find it all out.

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