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Deepest Fear Shows Us How We Will Fight Off The Flood Of Horror

Deepest Fear Shows Us How We Will Fight Off The Flood Of Horror

Deepest Fear

New gameplay for Deepest Fear is out here for us to enjoy and shows off the various gear we will use to fight our Deepest Fear

Get ready to go deep underwater now with our first look at the gameplay coming at us for Deepest Fear. A game that looked like it was going to be a massive mind trip when Variable State showed it off in a shorter form not too long ago, but now we have a good chunk of gameplay to take in. A good chunk that shows off the monsters of Deepest Fear a bit more while also highlighting the chaotic nature of things that will be happening in the various missions and tasks we will have to undergo in the game. Like, in this gameplay, not only will we need to defend ourselves from the water monsters out there, but we will also need to use various other bits of gear to stop the area from flooding and plug any other holes we might come across along the way.

As you will see, in general, Deepest Fear has the base gameplay loop of many of the action-horror video games out there. We will need to take aim and shoot the various water-based enemies we have stalking us. All while moving about the labs to search for items and key codes to allow us to move about the world. Nothing crazy to write home about besides the setting and creature types. It is still fun to see and looks interesting, but the bigger aspect of the new gameplay for Deepest Fear has to be the other tools that are not specifically weapons but we will be using them as such. Like guns that can toss around instant foaming goo, or another that bursts an impulse that clears all the water from around us. That one comes in handy when we are near an electrical unit and want to use it to shock everyone around while keeping ourselves safe. That is where it feels like this game is going to truly shine and you can get a better view of it all just a little lower down.

Deepest Fear — Gameplay First Look

The team at Variable State just shared a sneak peek at gameplay, for their upcoming Sci-Fi Horror First-Person Shooter Deepest Fear. Following up on the game’s world premiere in the PC Gaming Show last week, the footage revealed in GameStar’s Find Your Next Game Showcase demonstrates the nightmarish claustrophobia of this immersive horror indie; the protagonist, Dr. Danni Carroll, faces down monstrous creatures spontaneously emerging from water sources, as she explores a flooded deep-sea facility.

Deepest Fear is a sci-fi horror shooter, combining Metroidvania-level design in the context of a classic FPS immersive sim, where the game’s setting is a puzzle to unravel and where creativity and improvisation are your greatest assets.

Channeling the spirit of iconic and subversive 1980s horror action films such as The Abyss, The Thing, The Fly, and Total Recall, and more broadly the cinematic canons of James Cameron, John Carpenter, David Cronenberg, and Paul Verhoven, Deepest Fear aims to stay true to a vision of visceral horror, vivid characterization, and confrontational storytelling.

The immersive sim brings to life a new kind of terror as water itself becomes a living threat, with real-time fluid simulation allowing nightmarish entities to emerge from any water source or submerged space within the hermetic confines of the Neptune facility.

Using real-time fluid simulation, fight otherworldly entities that manifest spontaneously from any water source, all while the environment around you can flood and take in water at any moment, sweeping you away with unpredictable currents, and plunging you into the suffocating depths.

Story Of Survival:

  • As Dr. Danni Carroll, players are thrust into the labyrinthine depths of Neptune, a mysterious retro-futuristic facility hiding dark secrets and dangerous truths.
  • With survival on the line, players must harness their wits and an arsenal of tools to uncover the mysteries surrounding a project masterminded by Danni’s estranged father.
  • Fight your way to the heart of a sinister project and uncover a mystery both deeply personal and terrifying in its implications.

It does look as if the creatures coming at us in Deepest Fear are going to be a mixture of water and flesh out there. A good little twist on things while also allowing us to actually harm them along the way. Shooting water, generally, does not have much of an effect. Given that it looks like they burst with water and blood, though, it looks like that is where The Thing aspect of it all is going to be coming in. Especially if this is some of the water beings creeping into the various other humans on the ship and then piloting them around after taking over. That is fairly dark to go with it all and now I can see why it is called Deepest Fear. Not just a fun play on words with the setting but also digging deep into those base fears so many humans have out there in general. Like when something that is needed to give life is also the thing that will take it away. Not even fully take it away but remove your agency from living instead.

Is this about how you thought Deepest Fear was going to play or did you think it could be going a different path than other action horror games? Will we only be able to use these bits of gear in specific instances or will we have them all the time and just need to find ammo for them all? Are these just a hybrid of flesh and water or will the water seep inside and control the humans from within? Make your way down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we have to share for the game out there. Deepest Fear has quickly been rising up the ranks of exciting video games around here, so know we will keep the information for it all flowing out there as the water flows in the game. All you need to do is keep on coming back here to plug up those eyes and ears with all the updates we can splash around in.

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