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Define The Future Of Old Detroit In Robocop: Rogue City

Define The Future Of Old Detroit In Robocop: Rogue City

Robocop: Rogue City

New Robocop pre-order bonuses are here as we see more of the world that Robocop: Rogue City will take us into

One more month to wait until Robocop: Rogue City hits the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC with November 2nd coming up on us all rather quickly. That means it is time to push those pre-orders out there to help Teyon know we are going to be getting the game and making sure we have it locked in. All of that and to make sure we get some of those fun extra bonuses that we would want to see on our versions of Robocop out there. That is why we are here again for the game. As well as to show off more of the world we are going into for those who may just now be catching the eye of the IP that has been out there for some time now. We will forgive you.

First up, we can have a look at the new version of Detroit that this Robocop will be wandering about and stopping crime in. It is a lot like the Detroit we knew from the films out there, with maybe a little more grime on things. Also, it looks like OCP has things further under the thumb of theirs and we are going to need to break free of it all sooner instead of later. Unless we all like to live in the police state of things that the Robocop IP is usually known for. You can see how all of that might be coming back in force in this game while also giving us all a solid way to run and gun around out there. Have a look and get ready for all of that and a bit more.

Robocop: Rogue City — The Future Of Old Detroit

Welcome to Detroit; crime runs rampant as the city lies on the edge of ruin, people fighting for scraps as others live extravagant lives of luxury.

Control of the Detroit Police Department is given to the Omni Consumer Products corporation in an attempt to restore order. You are that solution, RoboCop, a cyborg tasked with protecting the city.

Robocop: Rogue City comes out on November 2, 2023, on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

The bit more for Robocop: Rogue City seems to be coming in the pre-order bonuses that you can also pick up right now. For the price of securing the game for yourself, you can get a few different skins and weapon mods to use in the game. Nothing over-the-top, but still something fun for showing your dedication to the IP and the studio for picking up the game early. You can have a little look at all of this in the following teaser, along with a little more of the gameplay we all cling to. Unless you want to go in completely blind when the game drops out there in the world for us all. The choice is always up to you on how you spend your time and money.

Robocop: Rogue City — Pre-Order

Did you expect something vastly different than what we knew from Robocop before or is this all about right to you? Will these new bonuses get you to secure things early or will you just wait until they are part of the full game after the launch out there? Is there going to be more of these skins and mods for the game or will it only be these to entice us all to pre-order early? Take to the comments and let everyone know what you are thinking out there. We are going to share more of what we can for Robocop: Rogue City, so please keep on checking in for all of those updates and many, many more as we get closer to the launch of it all.

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