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Delve Deeper Into Silent Hill In Dead By Daylight

Delve Deeper Into Silent Hill In Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight

A deep dive into the new expansion for Dead By Daylight takes us into all of the new things coming to Dead By Daylight next week

Silent Hill is coming back to us next week in the DLC set for Dead By Daylight on June 16th. It is going to feature the Executioner, Cheryl, and Midwich Elementary School with the usual things pushed out by Behaviour with these DLC add ons. This we should all know. If not, now you do and can have one more reason to look at Dead By Daylight or get ready for some DLC to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You should have been losing your stuff already. If not, then sit back and get ready for a deeper dive into just how all of this is going to affect the game if you so choose to add it all on.

Each of the characters is going to bring along their own cool little skills, perks, and abilities to Dead By Daylight. As has been the case for all of them to date. This new video we have goes into what those are going to be and how they will affect the matches set forth. Things like the ability for Pyramid Head to leave barbed wire traps where he walks with his blade or use the environment to damage others. Cheryl will have the ability to heal from death and also aid others by gifting a haste condition when healing or use entities in Dead By Daylight to help the survivors along. All of these are fitting for this game and good lifts from Silent Hill if I do say so. Have a look and get a solid feel for what is coming here next week.

Dead By Daylight — Silent Hill Spotlight

The Silent Hill Chapter introduces a new map, Midwich Elementary School: the childhood trauma that once took place in its halls has since manifested itself into a twisted, nightmarish design. The new Killer is The Executioner: take control of Pyramid Head and wield his great knife to unleash his twisted brand of punishment on all who cross him. The new Survivor is Cheryl Mason, a courageous, outspoken woman who survived the hellish Otherworld of Silent Hill, and exacted revenge on the Order that killed her father. With experience beyond her years, she’s prepared to once again stand against any evil that confronts her.

Available June 16.

Is this the DLC for Dead By Daylight you have been waiting for or should they let the IP rest for now? Do you like what each character and level will add to the game here or did you want there to be something else added in for it all? Will this lead to other horror games getting their day in the sun in this one or will this be a one and done kind of thing? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Dead By Daylight, we will have it here for you. Be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much more on the site.

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