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Destroy All Humans! Is Bringing Us The Fabled Lost Mission

Destroy All Humans! Is Bringing Us The Fabled Lost Mission

Destroy All Humans!

Just before the launch of Destroy All Humans!, we have word that we are getting a lost mission from the Destroy All Humans! of past

We are almost there with the launch of the remaster for Destroy All Humans! for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC here. July 28th will have us back in and killing all of those humans out there after Black Forest Games touched things up. I know I am excited to relive all of this and now it looks like there is something more to enjoy here in Destroy All Humans! It looks like there was a mission that was left on the cutting room floor before and now we are going to have that chance to see and play. It is always exciting to see more game coming out than before along with the fun new looks.

Not too many details are out there for what was and is in this mission for Destroy All Humans!, but we have a little look at it. It looks like there will be another military base we will be heading into. One that looks a lot like one of the many in the middle of the Nevada deserts or other locations in the world. It is all vague where the inspirations were pulled from but it all looks similar to me. I guess we will know more next week when Destroy All Humans! hits us all hard. I am sure all of those humans have it coming too.

Destroy All Humans! — Lost Mission

Destroy All Humans! is a remake from the beloved 2005 video game classic. Developer Black Forest Games has massively upgraded the graphics, with the game being created completely in Unreal Engine 4. Among new visuals, also the controls have been modernized and some interesting new content was added, special challenges after a mission of the campaign is completed for example.

BUT… there is one lost mission. The dev team found — hidden deep in the archives of Pandemic Studios — an unreleased mission in the middle of the campaign. This mission has been restored and finalized and will be part of Destroy All Humans! coming on July 28th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Are you fully ready for Destroy All Humans! to hit us and does this new mission grab you even more? What do you think this will all bring to the game when it hits or will it be another military mission just with a few changes? Why do you think that this one was cut before and will it actually add a whole lot to the game this time around? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Destroy All Humans!, we will do what we can to bring it to you. Be sure to keep an eye here for all of that and more.

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