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Determine The Fate Of The Ship In The Expanse: A Telltale Series

Determine The Fate Of The Ship In The Expanse: A Telltale Series

The Expanse: A Telltale Series

A new tale for The Expanse is on its way with the announcement for The Expanse: A Telltale Series from the acclaimed studios

Fans of the TV show The Expanse are going to be in a mixed state now. Not only is the main show that has captured so many coming to an end, it looks like feelings will be toyed with as the story will also be carrying on. Only in this announcement it is a story that will have Telltale Games and Deck Nine Games doing what they do best. Here we are with the announcement for The Expanse: A Telltale Series that will carry on things within the Artemis. Apparently, not all good things have to come to an end. Sometimes they get a little bit of a new beginning or a different way to carry on that is not just in the way of fan fiction out there. All while helping a great developer come back from the dead too.

Since this is still an announcement for The Expanse, not much else is known beyond the basics we can assume based on the teams and what we have to look at. The game will take on a stylized artistic take on the universe that fits the comic style we have had with their other games. It also looks like we will have to make all of the key choices in the game to keep the ship going and solidify the fate of Camina Drummer in the mix. Also with a few other things from The Expanse mixed in to help build more of the world and give fans more to talk about for it all. The inclusion of Deck Nine does make it feel like we could have some different gameplay elements mixed in to add some extra action, but that is still yet to be seen beyond the trailer. It is something for the fans and now we just have to wait a bit longer to see it come to full light.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series — Announcement

Get ready to enter The Expanse: A Telltale Series from Telltale and Deck Nine Games.

In the near future on the outskirts of the asteroid belt, a bloody mutiny breaks loose on the Artemis. You take the role of XO Camina Drummer, where your choices determine the fate of the ship. What will you do with the truth, Bosmang?

Do you think this will carry things forward from The Expanse show or will it go down a path that is outside of that realm? Do you think we will see more action in the mix or will it fall to the normal form we have seen from the developer before they closed down? Will you need to have been a long-time fan to be able to appreciate the game or will it be made for those who are just now learning what the show is all about? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all and more. When there is more to share for The Expanse: A Telltale Series, know we will have it on the site. All you need to do is keep checking back for all of that and much, much more.

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