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Detroit: Become Human Has A New, Fiery Trailer Out Of TGS

Detroit: Become Human Has A New, Fiery Trailer Out Of TGS

Detroit: Become Human

We have a new trailer for Detroit: Become Human fresh from the Tokyo Game Show and it adds a little more excitement into Detroit: Become Human

It looks like we have a new trailer for Detroit: Become Human fresh out of the Tokyo Game Show that is going on, and all to whet our whistles for the game as we wait for it to hit the PS4 sometime in 2018. So far it has been rather impressing to see what Quantic Dream has put together for this new narrative title, so there is a lot of excitement around this new trailer and what else we can learn from it. Although I am sure on of the big things, like release date, will not be part of it. Nonetheless, we have a new thing to look at for Detroit: Become Human and then hope that more pans out over the course of the week so we have more than just the visuals we already know will be impressive.

Without delay, here is the new trailer for Detroit: Become Human. Enjoy and hopefully you speak Japanese as there has yet to be a translated version to show up online.

Detroit: Become Human — Tokyo Game Show 2017

Is it alive or not? In 2038, Detroit the city of the android industry, where artificial intelligence and robot engineering have developed to a high degree. Androids who were created as the most convenient “tool” in human history, and displayed as “goods” in the show window. What is the thing that seems to be “intention” or “emotion” that was born there? Are they really alive or things? You will be able to find the question many times through this story.

So, this looks about the same as the version we saw back at E3. Even down to some of the clips we had during the demo for Detroit: Become Human. There does look to be a few new bits mixed in, but more or less there is nothing new to see here besides the team knowing how to make a game look great and “feel” real. That is kind of the premise of the game so I guess that is something that they would need to have nailed down. Maybe I am missing something due to the language break, but I know I am still hoping for something new to look at and dig into. Not just a bunch of the same shots we have had time and time again just in different order.

What say you about this new trailer for Detroit: Become Human? Was there something truly new in the dialog or is it still the same bits over and over? Could this be the aim from Quantic Dream given the premise and all from the game? Give us those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more information on Detroit: Become Human, do stay right here. As anything big or small for the game comes about, we will have it up on the site and you will be glad to see it when it does.

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