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Dig Deeper Into The Vampires With Devinder In Redfall

Dig Deeper Into The Vampires With Devinder In Redfall


One more hero of Redfall is here for us to learn about with the cryptozoologist ready to study what is up in Redfall

The hunt is almost on and we have one more hunter rounding out the crew heading into Redfall to bring the vampires down a peg. Another in the fun little videos that Arkane Austin have been putting out there to help us all get to know our characters before the game hits the Xbox Series X|S and PC this May 2nd. This time, it looks like we might be getting one that might know exactly how to handle themselves in Redfall as well. Not to mention, they also have quite a few fun little traps to toss around that feel like they may confuse us as well as the enemies we are taking down. Human or vampire as the cases may be…

Now is the time to meet Devinder, who is not only the cryptozoologist as mentioned, but also an aspiring inventor in the world of Redfall. This can all be seen as Devinder making various traps to attack and teleport the party or enemies to places all over the map. Most of these are most likely based on how we so want to lay them down, but sometimes feel truly random. Mix in the various UV light traps and the makeshift staking weapon, and we have an all-around weird yet badass character in Redfall. All because Devinder wanted to go out and research more than slay. I guess it is a good thing for the citizens of the town Devinder has opted to take up the fight with everything in that big brain too.

Redfall — Devinder: The Cryptid Hunter

Meet the Heroes of Redfall: Devinder Crousley. A cryptozoologist and aspiring inventor. Armed with weapons of his own creation, he’s on a mission to prove himself.

Redfall arrives exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC on May 2, 2023.

Do all of the traps and devices tossed out here feel truly random or is there some method to the madness of it all? Will Devinder also be the “lore guru” in Redfall or will that only be based on who we are playing at the time? What do you think will be the craziest linking of traps we will see in the game and will we get someone teleported to the moon? Feel free to discuss all of that and answer even more questions down in the comment section. Fingers are crossed that we will see more for Redfall soon, and we will share it here as soon as we do. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more as we head on out there.

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