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Discover More Of The Ominous Mimic Moon In Luna Abyss

Discover More Of The Ominous Mimic Moon In Luna Abyss

Luna Abyss

New footage for Luna Abyss brings us closer to what we are going to fully get when Luna Abyss launches

The gameplay keeps on flowing out of Gamescom 2023 after it has wrapped up and here we go with another taste of what is to come for Luna Abyss. This is a bullet-hell title that is coming to the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC that is looking to place Bonsai Collective on the map out there. All while giving us a fun, new, and interesting story to fight our way through out there. All so we can try to earn our freedom in Luna Abyss and walk out a free person. As it seems, the core loop of the game will have us incarcerated and working off our sentence so we can do just that. Even if that does mean we will have to place ourselves in some dangerous situations to get all of that done.

As you will be able to see a little lower down, Luna Abyss will have us on a different kind of moon out there where we are being held and things have gone wrong. This is why we are being tapped to head out there and try to fix the issues going on and stop all of the rogue elements out there. It is hard to tell if these are all aliens in origin or if there will be something in the way of an A.I. going off too. Maybe a combination of all of that on this derelict colony out there. All with the fast-paced shooting we have been led to see before in Luna Abyss. Have a look at the latest footage we have to show off the game as we wait for it to wrap things up and finally land on all of our systems out there. It is rather impressive to look at for this first title from the team.

Luna Abyss — Incarcerate

Luna Abyss is the debut game from UK-based developer Bonsai Collective. A narrative-driven, first-person action-adventure game set in the depths of the mimic moon Luna. Discover a vast, derelict colony; deep within the belly of the ominous mimic moon. Fight twisted cosmic horrors in intense, fast-paced, bullet-hell combat.

It does feel as if Luna Abyss has an interesting concept when it comes to the gameplay, even if it is not something we have not seen before. It just feels a little weird to see it go so far off the rails in this new video we have for the game. By that, I am not talking about the look and feel of the game, but more along the lines of what we will be able to do in the game. Usually, these kinds of games are limited to the two dimensions and we have seen a few make the leap to the third dimension, but here it feels as if we can just easily hover past everything with how slow some of it feels. Granted, this could all be different when Luna Abyss finally drops out there, but it just feels a little off to me from this new video we have to look at.

Are you further excited to see what Luna Abyss has to offer up in the future or will it take a little more to get you on board? Do you see the cosmic horror side of things in the mix here or is it more of an alien or A.I. feel to you too? How quickly will we be able to work off our time and will it be explained why we have so much of it in the story? Head to the comment section to talk about all of this as you so wish to do. There is more for Luna Abyss on the way, for sure, so please keep on checking back for all of those updates and many, many more.

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