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Discover More Of The Wonder In The Gameplay For Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

Discover More Of The Wonder In The Gameplay For Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows

New gameplay for Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows is here fresh out of gamescom to give us a better taste for what Tandem is bringing

We have been waiting for some new and juicy footage for Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, and now it looks as if gamescom has delivered. We have another look at the game and how Emma and Fenton will be exploring this world that Monochrome Paris has built for us all. That and another look at how the gameplay will shift for us and keep us on our toes. All of which, so we can tackle whatever horror is at the end of the lesson in Tandem‘s level and then reuse everything we all just mastered along the way. The basic form of things we get in games like this, but with them putting a hard focus on that in this latest trailer for the game. This leads me to believe that things will get drastically different in each level and then the final boss will culminate the entire game. Just as a good progression should.

All of that aside, this new video for Tandem does a great job of demonstrating how we will need to shift light around for Fenton so the side-scrolling portion can happen. That and it looks like there will also be some timing jumps with moving shadows we create to get Fenton up to unlock more for Emma. It all looks like a creepy good time with some fun mechanics mixed right in. I just hope that they are not all one-and-done kind of things in Tandem so we have multiple reasons to come back and enjoy the game. That is the harder balance to put out there and only a few months from now, October 21st, will we get to know for certain. Now to kick back and wait a bit more…

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows — Gamescom Gameplay

This trailer showcases how players will use light and shadow to guide Emma and a bizarre teddy bear past surreal and sinister obstacles.

Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows releases in October 2021 on PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The game is developed by Monochrome and published by Hatinh Interactive.

In Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, players will alternate between Emma’s top-down view and Fenton’s horizontal side-scroller view, using the former’s lantern to cast shadows the teddy bear can cross. In turn, the latter can activate switches that may be out of view.

Each of the game’s chapters will introduce fans to new mechanics they must master if they hope to defeat the horrifying monstrosities that await them. As players sink into Tandem’s five strange worlds, they’ll stitch together answers surrounding the vanishment of the Kane family and shed light on the title’s dauntless heroes.

Did you want things in Tandem to stay uniform the entire game or will it be refreshing to see everything tossed out once we master it? Could this be a way to give us multiplay playthroughs for the game or will we only need to master each once and then call it a game? What part of the game are you most looking forward to so far and do you think it will hold darker surprises when it launches? Let the world out there know what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If and when there is more for Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep an eye out on the site for all of that and much, much more.

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