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Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Has Arrived Safely

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Has Arrived Safely

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes has launched in EU and there were holographic heroes there to help make sure it went smooth

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes is only a few days out from launch here in the US but it looks like last night the UK had an amazing delivery to prep for the official launch tonight/tomorrow-ish (9/18). That amazing delivery also just happened to be the cast of Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes going about town in hologram form to aid the delivery trucks with their precious cargo. Yes, I said holograms of the Marvel characters making sure that those copies and figures for the game made it to their proper locations.

Here, have a look at what I am talking about in the following video.

If it is to be believed this wasn’t just some promo shot that was done for Marvel Super Heroes but your average consumer or pedestrian could have seen the show if they happened to be in the right place at the right time. Wouldn’t that have been a sight to see The Hulk lifting up a bridge in the middle of the night or to see Iron Man fly by your window? That would have been a treat indeed. Hopefully Disney and Marvel do something alike here in the States but I am hard pressed to think of a location that would be dark enough and fit for such an awesome display.

Showboating aside, Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes is scheduled to launch here next week (9/23) on the PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, and iOS devices. It would be awesome to have a spectacular show to celebrate much like the one above but I’d settle for just getting the game in my hands right now. What say you?

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