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Do Everything That Is Necessary For Tatyana In Chernobylite

Do Everything That Is Necessary For Tatyana In Chernobylite


New videos for Chernobylite take us deeper into the story of Tatyana and the creepy dolls found within Chernobylite

Things are not always as they seem in Chernobylite and these latest video drops we have for the game dive that home a bit more. Be it part of the story that The Farm 51 is trying to tell with Tatyana and Igor here or a bit more on the dolls we will find littering the game’s world. There is just something darker and more sinister going on out there in the Zone for Chernobylite. All of which we will need to help better prep us for when the game hits the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC this coming July. If that can actually be a thing we are able to do from the looks of it all. It definitely looks like things are going to be much darker in tone than we all might have thought before now. That or about on par for some of us that always live in the dark.

Both of these new videos seem to raise a whole lot more questions about Chernobylite here for me than solve anything. Well, outside of the fact that I have a feeling the dolls out there will be used in more of a way than the real-world ones humans leave around the Chernobyl site in scary ways. Especially when we find out that they are supposed to be linked to children who died during the events and possibly what our Tatyana is here in Chernobylite to guide us along in the way that we see here. Thankfully, none of this looks to spoil anything in the game, as it looks like it could all be linked to the sanity of Igor out there. I have a feeling that this will be some side effect from the radiation we will have seeping into us during the game and lead us down some dark and twisted paths. Have a look for yourself and try to figure it all out for yourself too.

Chernobylite — Tatyana Story

In Chernobylite, you play as Igor, a former employee of the Chernobyl Power Plant who returns to the Exclusion Zone to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his fiancee, Tatiana, 30 years prior. In the Zone, time is not a simple, linear matter. You’ll have to make choices that will affect your ultimate fate—even changing the past. Will you make the right decisions? Will they lead you to Tatiana?

Chernobylite — The Dolls Of Chernobylite

What are the Dolls of Chernobylite? What are they doing in the Zone? WHAT ARE THEY?!

Do these new dolls look like something that will keep you from jumping in on Chernobylite or will it push you further into the fun of it all? Do you think that we will see more of the real-world aspects seep into the game when we play it or would that be too dark of a setting to go with full realism for? Did you see these baby dolls and already leave the game videos or do you like the fact that they are supposed to be tied to the loss of life from the tragic event? Let all of us know out there what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. There will be more for Chernobylite and we will have it all here for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and everything else that could be coming for the game and many others.

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