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Don’t Like The Graphics Of Fallout 4 … There’s A Mod For That

Don’t Like The Graphics Of Fallout 4 … There’s A Mod For That

Fallout 4

A new PC mode for Fallout 4 is out there to help with some of the graphical complaints some users have had for Fallout 4 since before its release

Fallout 4 has finally made it out into the world and according to social streams it is dominating everyone’s life right now. I am sure that Bethesda is beside themselves with joy as gamers are running into the wastelands of Fallout 4 and ignoring their real life needs. Even if some of them have complained about the visuals of the game there are still losing hours on end. Thankfully though for the PC folks who have issues with some of Fallout 4‘s visuals there is a mod out there already that claims to solve some of these issues. Sorry to those PS4 and Xbox One folks as that is a limitation still to be overcome.

So what then news here is that a user over at Nexus Mods has fashioned together a pretty small mod for Fallout 4 that fixes some of the “washed out” appearance of the game’s world. Whatever this user has done seems to alter the lighting and textures of Fallout 4 and nothing really else for the other complaints. In fact these alterations may seem a bit too subtle for some but as users who have opted to play Fallout 4 with this mod turned on have claimed it does make a bit of difference. You can have a look at some of the screenshots that have been taken using said mod for Fallout 4 just a bit below.

Slide right for original Fallout 4 and left for modded Fallout 4.

The changes are very subtle to the eye here but I can see some differences for Fallout 4 and how it could add a bit of vibrancy to it all. I am guessing that Bethesda had a reason for the original look and feel that this mod claims to fix but at the end of the day it is not something required or truly ground breaking for Fallout 4 that everyone needs it. If you do want to give it a go after seeing the above screen shots you can head over here and pick up the very small mod.

Where do you fall on this Fallout 4 debate that has been raging on since its first announcement? Do you see this mod giving a huge benefit to the game or should we all play it the way that Bethesda originally planned? How long until someone goes out there and gives a full texture and character model update for everything in Fallout 4? Let us know your thoughts and feel free to discuss in the comments below. As the release cycle of Fallout 4 has only begun we will most likely have more to share so be sure to stay tuned here for all of those updates as Fallout 4 is just now splashing around and has a ways to go before it is lost to memory.

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