A fresh batch of screenshots for DOOM have been released as well as a few highlights from the upcoming coverage of DOOM in Game Informer for us to take in
Most of everything is stated in the above as we have some new screenshots for DOOM out there and ready for us all to pick apart and enjoy as id Software continues their work toward bringing us this franchise again. It does look like they are nailing DOOM to the best of their abilities from just the visuals we are getting here but there is still so much more until we can add this game to the great wall of Bethesda when DOOM launches sometime this spring. At least that is still the tentative time for DOOM to come to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
As mentioned there does seem to be a bit of new information for DOOM out of the latest Game Informer article covering all of this. Some of which may shock you as it looks like the BFG and Chainsaw won’t be part of the normal weapons we get to use in DOOM but part of very specific scenarios during the game. Not unheard of in gaming but it does seem a bit odd that id Software would opt for that instead of giving us access to them all in DOOM during the game’s progression. Just as it normally would be in any video game out there.
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
- DOOM — Screenshot
DOOM — Screenshot
You can read a basic list of what was uncovered about DOOM from a NeoGaf user below but for the most part it looks like very basic things we could all expect. Surprisingly though it sounds like the SnapMap feature that was talked about during E3 of last year may not be as robust as originally thought. More or less it is dwindled down to four basic modes that can be crafted in DOOM and shared across due to limitations on console side. Or better read as true modding tools won’t be released and only these SnapMap modes for DOOM will be available so id Software can make sure everyone gets their original vision.
- BFG and Chainsaw aren’t on the weapon wheel since they’re used in specific scenarios, Chainsaw is on D-Pad down and BFG is on X. Seems like they’re treating the BFG as a panic button.
- Weapons have mods you can find, ex. a remote detonation mod for the rocket launcher
- Plot premise seems similar to Doom 3. A character named Dr. Olivia Pierce appears on a video suggesting she unleashed the demons as some kind of religious cult thing.
- On-screen enemy count isn’t numbered but described as “a demon avalanche”, “bloodbath”
- Chainsaw is a one hit kill on most enemies, multiple on bigger enemies like the Mancubus, power cells are limited
- Colored keycards and backtracking for secrets. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Some locations: Lazarus Facility, Martian surface, Titan’s Realm (as seen on the cover)
- Permanent character upgrades that allow you to swap weapons and mantle more quickly, increase ammo and health capacity
- Swappable perk “runes”, ex. one gives you a stackable temp speed boost after melee kills
- Hell is more vertical than the UAC facility
- Enemies have weak point, ex. the pinky demon is armored in front and soft in the butt
- An enemy type only described as “a summoner”
- As suspected, idTech 6 appears to be very similar to idTech 5 but with a completely new PBR renderer
- Plans to offer “sliders and multi-sampling options” for PC players. Only time in the article PC is mentioned specifically.
- Multiplayer mode called Warpath, an domination style mode where the control area drifts around the map
- Clan Arena mode, this is just team Last Man Standing.
- Swappable “hack modules” are earned through MP progression, ex. Supply Timer that shows spawn timers for pickups on screen. Apparently none of them throw off the competitive balance.
- Apparently multiplayer has more guns than single player, including a “lightning gun”, this might be GI assuming based on what was offered in the demo portions though.
- Namedrops of old Doom WADs followed by statement implying that they won’t be releasing mod tools outside of SnapMap because of accessibility consoles. seems like kind of a big fuck you.
- Examples of modes made in SnapMap: tower defense, moddy single-player missions, VIP escorts, racing challenges
- Moddable enemy AI to some extent
- SnapMap stuff is all shared on SmartHub, categories like top rated and most played, user profiles, seems a lot like Mario Maker
- All SnapMap creations are small instruction files, you can probably forget about custom textures and rooms and whatnot
- Still spring release date
What do you think about how DOOM is shaping up in the visual department here? Does it look like the game we were all hoping for back when it was first teased? How about the exclusion of the modding tools for DOOM due to the console limitations, if true? Let us know what you think and discuss away in the comments below. As we get more for DOOM from Bethesda we will have it up on the site. Be sure to keep checking in for more as we progress further into the year and onward.
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