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Dying Light 2 Gives Us More To Do In Those Abandoned Structures

Dying Light 2 Gives Us More To Do In Those Abandoned Structures

Dying Light 2

Get to know a little more for Dying Light 2 with a deeper look at the buildings in Dying Light 2 and the challenges added to them

Just as it was teased and promised, we now have a bit more for Dying Light 2 when it comes to how we are going to explore and shape the world out there. Why it was not included in the larger showcase from Techland is still beyond me, but here we go with something new to take in for the game. Something partially new for Dying Light 2, as it is much more on the side of what we have seen in the world with just a little more of an explanation behind it. There will be abandoned buildings and structures out there for us to reclaim and explore is the basics, just with a few more bits of gameplay added in. Some of that being extra challenges that we may not have seen in the past versions of the IP. So there is that to go into now.

It has been touched on before when it comes to Dying Light 2, but our choices and actions will sway how things are built and opened up in the game’s world. Sometimes this will lock down parts of the map and other times it will give you extra fluff to deal with in the world. Beyond that, it sounds like we will see some new challenges as it comes to parkour and combat in the game from these buildings too. All in the way of delivering missions and other types of missions we have seen in the last Dying Light but with the promise of different rewards along the way. Again, not sure why this needed its own description and breakdown, but here we are and it is good to know that it will all be back in some form or another in the final game.

Dying Light 2 — Dying 2 Know 4.2 Abandoned Structures

In this episode of Dying 2 Know MORE, you’ll find out what are abandoned structures and what is their function in Dying Light 2.

Our reliable Paulina will once again provide you with the latest information about the world of Dying Light 2, this time asking Tymon Smektała, Lead Game Designer himself.

During this episode, you will learn how the player can influence the world through the City Alignment system, where abandoned structures are one of the main elements. Thanks to their choices, players will be able to change the shape of the world around them, change abandoned and devastated buildings into valuable places not only for the main character but also for the entire community living in The City.

Did you expect anything different for Dying Light when it comes to the extra challenges and missions or is this all about correct for you? Do you think that they will give us better rewards than we saw before or will they be extra things to keep us deep in the game for longer? Do you think we will see those massive gameplay changes that were shown off years ago in the game or will it be just these little cosmetic changes and options we have here now? Tell us all what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. For more on Dying Light 2, keep checking back in here. We will keep all of the news flowing out there for you and you will not want to miss out on a single nugget.

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