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The Dying Light Developers Show Us Co-Op Play In Action

The Dying Light Developers Show Us Co-Op Play In Action

Dying Light

Dying Light Developers, Techland, take to playing the game in co-op mode to show us what we can expect from the game here next week

With Dying Light only a few days out from launch now, at least here in North America, it is high time for the excitement to pique here. It’s another zombie game for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC so why shouldn’t we be all excited? I think… Anyways, one of the modes that have been announced and barely shown off has been the co-op for Dying Light. To try and remedy all of that Techland took to their PCs and put together a nice little video showing off the “fun” we will be having when we go co-op with Dying Light next week.

I’m sure you noticed the quotes around fun there. That isn’t for any emphasis but more sarcasm as the following video shows off how annoying the co-op in Dying Light can be. Even if that wasn’t the intent of the whole video all I was able to take away is that unless you have friends that are not douches and know what they are doing then you may be staying away from Dying Light co-op. Unless you are glutton for punishment or like making “Let’s Play” videos for YouTube. I may be too cynical here though.

I’ll be honest though, this could all stem back to my poor interaction in the past with other co-op titles that Techland has put out there. I am sure that they have things nailed down well in Dying Light but it still circles back to the human element and no amount of code can fix that glaring issue. It’s just videos like the one you are about to watch that kind of turn me off from online co-op and more towards experiencing Dying Light in the nice creepy, fun Lone Wolf mode I usually play my games in.

Dying Light — Devs Play Co-Op

Dying Light

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