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Dying Light Is Filled With As Many Easter Eggs As Zombies

Dying Light Is Filled With As Many Easter Eggs As Zombies

Dying Light

Dying Light Easter Eggs have been popping up all over the internet since its launch last week and here are some of the better ones

Dying Light is full of all kinds of missions and things to experience. I played quite a bit of the game so we could bring you a great review to read and use as a deciding factor if you should give the game a play. In the process of it all though as I had to focus elsewhere I missed out on a lot of really cool little Easter Eggs that Techland placed in the mix of the core game. I feel bad and now need to replay Dying Light to go and find what else I may have missed but you don’t have to as I’ve collected a couple of the cooler Easter Eggs that could go missed if you don’t have all the time in the world to search the game’s world or the internet.

First up, and this one has to be the Dying Light Easter Egg that had the most thrown into it, is the fact that you can find Super Mario World 1-1 in the middle of Old Town. In fact you have to find a very small hidden warp pipe to get there and YouTuber Arekkz and his crew found it and recorded it for us all to see and hopefully experience. It also may look like nothing much but if you notice at the end of the level run you are granted some experience to level up with so it is well worth hunting this little egg down in Dying Light.

Dying LightSuper Mario World 1-1 Easter Egg

Pretty cool right? Well next up is a slight reference to The Last Of Us in Dying Light. While not as cool as the above Easter Egg it does look like Techland didn’t want to limit themselves in references and nods. It isn’t a whole level but there is a hidden zombie that has their head split open to look like a Clicker from the aforementioned title and once it is dead you get a nice little weapon add-on that is called, hopefully you guessed it, a Clicker. You can see in the video below where you can find it and how to kill it off in Dying Light.

Dying Light — The Last Of Us Easter Egg

Last but not least, and by no means the last of the Easter Eggs in Dying Light, is a sword you can get shortly after the start of the game. A rather powerful sword that references the legendary sword Excalibur. In fact you can only receive this weapon in Dying Light by proving your worth and patience of holding the pick-up button down for about two to three minutes. That’s of course after running and swimming a long distance to boot. But hey, it’s a free amazing weapon and blueprint at the start of Dying Light so who can really knock on that. Just be sure to follow the steps as there is also an easy way to die during the process.

Dying Light — EXPCalibur (Legendary Sword)

There have been a few other little nods in Dying Light that have come up and I wouldn’t be surprised if Techland has a plethora more that we won’t see for a few more weeks hidden about. These just seem to be the coolest to me as well as the most helpful when trying to beat Dying Light in general. If you just started the game you will know how handy a one to two hit killing sword can be when surrounded by a horde of zombies. If you happen to find any more Easter Eggs for Dying Light feel free to share them in the comments below.

Dying Light

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