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How Would Dying Light Look In Real Life?

How Would Dying Light Look In Real Life?

Dying Light

Ampisound made a cool POV parkour run for Dying Light to show how the daily grind could look in the real world

With Dying Light just a few weeks from launch, I swear I use that phrase too often, we should be ready for more of those PR and Marketing campaigns to pump us up about the release here. Just as to be expected with any free-running or parkour title we have another group, Ampisound, producing a real life run of Dying Light in POV perspective. This would be the same group that have done the Mirror’s Edge videos but not the Assassin’s Creed videos. Hopefully that sorts out things for those confused on who would be running in this Dying Light promo.

Here, have a look at how Dying Light could look if it was happening in the real world. Although it is a bit fast and jarring to watch. Take that into account before you click play.

Dying Light — Parkour POV

I get that this whole run was to promote Dying Light but in the game none of the zombies run and climb after you until it is night time. Did this group forget this or something? I know daytime videos do make it easier to watch but with proper lighting you can make the nighttime play look good in real life as it does in Dying Light. Maybe I am a bit nit-picky here but it does seem a bit off. More off than the poor editing that has the runner jumping from location to location through hard-cuts and nothing free-flowing. Free-flowing as parkour should be.

So there you have it. Dying Light in the real world. If only they could make it a real promotion and set up a “zombie run” of sorts that was themed behind Dying Light as The Walking Dead does every year. Pipe dream and hopes though. That is al we have before the game’s launch.

Dying Light

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