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E3 2015 Impressions — The Technomancer

E3 2015 Impressions — The Technomancer

The Technomancer

While At E3 I Was Able To See The Technomancer In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here’s My Take On It

Yet another title on the list of “those who tried to blow their wads before E3” would be The Technomancer since we all had a nice look and quite a bit of information handed to us before the expo even began. Thankfully though it looks like Spiders Games and Focus Home Interactive decided to leave some of the best for a behind closed doors-esque showing of The Technomancer. I state that because pretty much the whole video presentation that was shown can be seen below. The only difference is that you won’t have the developers telling you want is going on or a bit of the story for The Technomancer. That is where I come to fill the gaps as well as with what I thought for this PS4, Xbox One, and PC title due out sometime in the near future. Let me break it down for you.

As a bit of backstory to The Technomancer, you take on the role of one of the genetically engineered beings designed to live on Mars. As a side effect of said engineering you are graced with the special powers that you wield but of course humans being humans this isn’t a blessing but a curse. A curse in the way that you are held in regard only a little higher than mutants whom happen to be slaves on Mars. Of course this means that the humans still want you to do things for them in The Technomancer and this is where all of the RPG stories and gameplay comes into effect as you are needed and the populace will make sure you are needed. As for what you’ll see below you are fresh out of the test tube and finalizing your training as dictated by the governing humans. Just for context.

In The Technomancer you will have what looks to be three different styles of combat, and that is what seemed to be the focus of the E3 demo and Spiders Games was showing off. One is a mixture of swords and firearms that can cause a lot of quick light damage but still leave you a bit vulnerable to taking damage. The next is a shield and mace form of combat that, as you most like guessed, makes you a tank in The Technomancer as it is slower but keeps you defended. Lastly is another melee and magic style of combat or melee and superpowers based on how you want to think about it as this allows for jumping from a weapon to using your Technomancer abilities in the heat of things. Each have their merits and each have their drawbacks as you will see in just a moment.

While combat was the main focus on The Technomancer demo we did get to see that we will have option in the game on how to approach situations. We can go into everything weapons swinging or go the stealth path using our Technomancer to subdue and bypass all those who would try to end out lives. Again, this wasn’t the main focus as the fluid combat seemed to be what they wanted to show but and that did impress. Maybe they are saving all of the other RPG elements of The Technomancer for future events and show casings but it is worth noting that these things are in the mix and not being left out. What kind of RPG would it be if you couldn’t role play in The Technomancer right?

One last thing that Focus Home Interactive and Spiders Games wanted to drive home, outside of the combat, is the fact that you can customize quite a bit in The Technomancer to make it feel like your character when all is said and done. There are four skill trees, again only one was mainly shown off, and the ability to alter not only your clothes but also your weapons to help you be the scourge of Mars that everyone thinks that you are. To build off the customization of the weapons you can also add your Technomancer abilities to them although that does limit the number of uses of general powers until you turn it back off. In fact if you see the blue bar on the HUD in the following video that is how many “uses” you get before requiring a recharge. If you watch closely you can see one bar that will not fill back up while the weapons are charged up.

I am completely intrigued with The Technomancer after seeing what I had at E3 and below. I am also a bit wary as Spiders GamesBound By Flame was a bit of a letdown for an RPG but as many have been seeing The Technomancer as “The Witcher 3 In Space” I think things will swing into the favor here and Focus Home Interactive will have another great title in their belts or on their mantle. As I am completely intrigued for The Technomancer we will have more information here on the site as it is released so be sure to keep checking in as we never know when that will be. You wouldn’t want to miss out on a thing for The Technomancer now would you? Of course not so you might as well get setting this to your homepage now.

The Technomancer — E3 Gameplay

The Technomancer

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