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E3 2021’s Broadcast Schedule Is Ready To Help You Plan

E3 2021’s Broadcast Schedule Is Ready To Help You Plan

The upcoming schedule for E3 2021 is now set down so we can all figure out how we will be trying to enjoy E3 this year

No matter how you feel about E3, it looks like the gaming convention is poised to take place again this year again. Given that we are still in the final phases of the global pandemic here in the States, this one will be an all-digital event again but with a bit more planning than there was in 2020. Given the extra time that they have had for E3 2021, it should be a bit smoother than we saw before but that is still yet to be seen. Thankfully, we now know when we can start to see things in some form of official capacity out of the event and not just keep trolling the developer’s and publisher’s social accounts to see what they might be dropping. This is also to help some of those out there, like our site, to get better prepped with all of the content drops and using the new online portal they have just for this event.

Just in case you have not jumped down, it looks like we have some big and small guns coming out in an official capacity for E3 2021. Ubisoft will be starting some of it off with Square Enix and Capcom mixed in over the four official days of it all. Take-Two will be out there on the streams with something and it looks like we should have about thirty minutes for Back 4 Blood, but you can also see that some of the other big names out there are just not part of E3 directly once again. Maybe this is due to the fact that they can stream all of their own stuff outside of it without the need for shipping containers blocking them? Given that there is not much in the way of overlap besides pre- and post-show content from the outsiders this year, maybe we will be able to get back to some kind of equilibrium for an in-person event next year. I know I will miss having the easy ability to go hands-on with some of these titles instead of watching a developer play it on camera.

E3 2021 — Schedule

Do you see your favorite publisher or developer in the list here for E3 or will you still need to plan around a few other streams to make this all work? Have you given their online portal a look or are you still waiting to gain access to it all? Do you think we will ever get to see an in-person event like this again or will we smaller outlets always need to beg for access to titles when we are some of the bigger fans out there? Give us all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. We will be covering E3 2021 as best as we can on the site and should have a few live streams of our own too. Please keep an eye out for all of that and everything else we have to add to the site. We will try to keep up and keep you as informed as possible.

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