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E3 2022 Is Aiming To Go To An Online-Only Again This Year

E3 2022 Is Aiming To Go To An Online-Only Again This Year

E3 is not going to be in-person this year and this could lead to a possible end to E3 in general

Those looking forward to see E3 in person this year are going to start getting sad now. Just as the headline states, this year we will not be seeing the event in person once again and thus leading to the third year the massive gaming event will no longer let us go hands-on with the titles. Some will say it is a good thing and others, like us, will say this is a bad thing. Not only because we were looking forward to E3 2022 but because we do not always get the same access to devs and publishers as the larger gaming sites. That is a discussion for a whole other day, though.

If you are not able to assume it yet, E3 has been canceled in person because of COVID-19 once more. Specifically due to the surge in infections with the Omicron variant and possible other mutations still in the mix. All of which could lead to the end of the E3 organization and events in general as they have not been getting the funding flowing in due to there not being an event to go to. Amongst other reasons too. That is not an official announcement to the complete end, though, and just a concern to the fact that we will not be going in person once again.

“Due to the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19 and its potential impact on the safety of exhibitors and attendees, E3 will not be held in person in 2022. We remain incredibly excited about the future of E3 and look forward to announcing more details soon.”

Are you sad to hear that E3 will not be in-person once more or are you one of those that wanted to see it end? Do you think we will see it be fully canceled in the future or will it be able to hold off until we can get in-person events truly safe again? Do you think we will be able to get better access to the teams this year or will we see it harder and harder as we have over the recent years? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. More for E3 will be coming, hopefully, and we will offer it all here for you as we get it.

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