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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $300

Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $300

Our specs for a gaming PC build under $300. Go ahead and give it a build.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the first installment of articles showing off a build for an economical PC. Today we are going to focus on the $200 to $300 price range. This is going to be a very low end build. This is a very good for a starter PC, or a PC to do light 3D gaming. Pretty much if you’re looking for a PC to play Minecraft or MMOs then this is the PC for you.

When PC gaming on a budget eventually there will come a time when you might want to upgrade some things. I would recommend first getting a GPU to Crossfire with the existing graphics of the processor. Of course when upgrading different people with have different priorities. Some may wish to go with a bigger hard drive first. Next a better case can go a long ways in the future.

Total: $281.20

Just under $300 but still gets the job done. That is a complete build from scratch. If you’re just upgrading an older PC these are a few good upgrades to pick and choose from. You may be able to find a few better deals from looking around as these are just the ones I could find to fit the budget. One of the things I really like about this build is how upgradable it is.

Next time we will put together a $300 to $400 price range build. Obviously with increase there will be more wiggle room to do more with. So if you have some more bucks to get more bang then make sure to check back with each installment. If you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback please leave them in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.