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Endzone: A World Apart Brings New Collectibles & Gears Up For Launch

Endzone: A World Apart Brings New Collectibles & Gears Up For Launch

Endzone: A World Apart

Another update for Endzone: A World Apart is out there and it looks like a full launch for Endzone will be coming to us very soon

Here we go with one more update for Endzone: A World Apart that adds in a whole lot more game but also another fun announcement in the mix that have been in on the Early Access so far. This is something that Gentlymad Studios has been building to and it looks like we now have a full launch date for the game now. Get ready to be able to go all-in on Endzone on March 18th for the PC. All with the core game and all other updates that have been out there up to now. All to be expected given that the Early Access is there to help build out from the original idea to make the game something the masses have been pining for.

In addition to this, we have the new update for Endzone that adds in some new scenarios and upgrades for the current buildings and lands out there. It also adds in a new reason to explore the lands out there with new Collectibles out there for us to find and allow for some other new upgrades. It sounds like we are finally seeing the full realization for Endzone coming to a head here. You can see a bit more of it all in the following video but it could just be worth diving into the game. There are some other new buildings out there for us to erect even if they do not seem like they do more than and some other morale to the people more than anything.

Endzone: A World Apart — Collect And Explore Update

Launching on Windows PC via Steam and GOG on March 18, 2021, Endzone: A World Apart introduces players to a broken and desolate civilization ripe for the taking; while what’s left of humanity seems all but forsaken, it’s up to players to rebuild and restore a world worth fighting for.

Most recently, Endzone: A World Apart received its twelfth overflowing content update titled “Collect and Explore.” The update provided players with brand new Expeditions as well as content expansions to existing expeditions, adding even more value and depth to essential in-game tasks. Additionally, players can now find Collectibles that unlock vital technologies and unique cosmetic items to adorn bustling communities. While the latest update encourages players to head out into the wasteland and explore the ruined vestiges of pre-cataclysm society, new things are afoot in the home base as well. The Tailor and Workshop buildings have both received upgrades, making them a safer bet for the long-term planning of a budding society.

Have you been enjoying Endzone up to now or will you be going all-in when it fully launches in March? Do you like the new updates we are getting here or do you think we should have something else mixed right in? Will you be going out to find all of the new items in the lands or will you be sticking to the parts you know for now? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more for Endzone: A World Apart, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much more.

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