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Enjoy Just A Bit More Of The Story For Chernobylite

Enjoy Just A Bit More Of The Story For Chernobylite


A new story trailer for Chernobylite is here as a new Kickstarter campaign kicks off for some additional funding to bring Chernobylite to all

If you needed more story for Chernobylite to fully sell you, then you are fully in luck here as that is what we have to take in now. Better that than a bunch of radiation from the Chernobyl Zone where The Farm 51 has placed the game. We will leave that all to them as they get the 3D scans of the environment for us to run around in. That way we can experience not only the story of Chernobylite but also the world that most of us will never want to step foot in. That is at least the assumption for those who know their history and just why this game will work so well with all of the data they have collected. That is as long as the team keeps bringing what we have to see here and then improving.

You might be thinking at this point on how you can get in on Chernobylite. Besides having an option to pre-order the game a bit, you can take part in the new Kickstarter campaign that has kicked off for the game that brings all kinds of extras for helping the team out. We will not go into the finer details on just what those will be, as they are vast, but just know that some of it will speed up the process to get Chernobylite on as many platforms as possible and improve an already great looking title. Including a free-roam to be able to look at things in the world without the need to be on specific tasks.

Chernobylite — Story Trailer

Hey stalkers!

Chernobylite is about the story of people who try to survive in a hostile environment. The same is with our work on the project — we travel to Chernobyl Zone to capture 3D-scanned data and create the most believable environment possible for this kind of game.

We have just started the Kickstarter campaign. It lets you pre-order the game and buy many cool gifts and it will also let us collect some support to do the Chernobylite location expansions plus add some extra features that we were always dreaming of.

Do you have any new thoughts on Chernobylite after seeing the latest trailer for the game? Do you like having the extra realism in your games or is it a gimmick you could do without? Will you be throwing down on the Kickstarter for the game or wait and see how the rest of the gaming world reacts? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more to share for Chernobylite, we will have it up on the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that in the near future.

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