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Eternity: The Last Unicorn Has Been Given A Final Release Date

Eternity: The Last Unicorn Has Been Given A Final Release Date

Eternity: The Last Unicorn

The release date for Eternity: The Last Unicorn is now set down and we can look to play Eternity early into March of this year

You read it all right; we have a release date for Eternity: The Last Unicorn to look forward to now and it is not too far off. In fact, if looks like 1C Entertainment will be bringing us all the game here on March 5th for the PS4 and PC. It looks like the Xbox One gamers will need to wait a bit longer as Void Studios needed a bit more time to get it all correct for you. At least that would be the assumption as of now as there is no word on when Eternity will be coming to that console. I cannot believe it would be too far off though. Unless someone paid to have an exclusive a bit longer.

If you have not been up on Eternity as of yet, it is a classic action-RPG styled game set in the world of Norse mythology. It will house about twelve hours of gameplay to experience in the classic fixed camera system we have enjoyed from before. At least that is what Eternity: The Last Unicorn is banking on as that is how the game is going to play. Nostalgia can be a great thing when it is done well. When we are hunting for the Last Unicorn too, all I can see is more linking back to other things from our past. Maybe you know what I am talking about before you dive into the new trailer for the game.

Eternity: The Last Unicorn — Release Date

Eternity: The Last Unicorn revels in classic action-RPG mechanics, weaving a fantastical tale that’s steeped in Norse mythology and the struggles with immortality. Long ago, unicorns brought about immortality, yet now they are all but extinct, with one last cursed member still in existence. Aurehen of Alfheim is tasked with the weighty obligation of saving the waning immortality of her fellow elves before it fully evaporates, all the while lifting the curse on the last unicorn.

True to its old-school RPG roots, Eternity: The Last Unicorn embraces the fixed camera stylings of yore, offering players deep skill and weapon progression as they explore the land of Alfheim. Everything from the world’s gods and mythology, to its imposing creatures is immersed in rich, Nordic folklore, making this the perfect excuse to brush up on your rune readings.

Key Features

  • Two playable characters: The young elf, Aurehen, and the Viking, Bior — each with a unique backstory and character abilities.
  • Over 12 hours of deep action-RPG gameplay to explore.
  • Fixed camera system reminiscent of old-school RPGs.
  • Skill, weapon, and ability progression tied into exploration and character growth.
  • An original soundtrack built to convey both the Nordic and fantastical themes of Eternity.

Are you fully up on Eternity before now or is this the first you are hearing of it? Do you think that using the classic style of gameplay and camera will pay off or will it mix its mark? Do you like that we are seeing more of the Norse mythology as of late? Give us all of those thoughts down below. If we have more for Eternity: The Last Unicorn, we will add them all here. Or more to the site in general. You should know all of that by now though.

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