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Even More Coming Out For Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Even More Coming Out For Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Eight new screens have shown up for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare showing even more of the future tech and world.

Now that the PR train is rolling for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare it almost feels like I should be waiting to get everything out in one big push. Then I look at what is coming and realize that most of you are most likely of the mind set of “I want it now!” That being said, I couldn’t hold back the new set of screen shots for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare even though they really don’t come along with any real news or updates. They do however come along with a bunch of new things to pine over and speculate on. Like for instance Hover Bikes!

These new screen definitely show of how “Advanced” Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is going to be. Lighting effects and texturing aside, even though that is blowing my mind still, we also are getting a look at the power armor, advanced military vehicles, and like I said, hover bikes. Unfortunately for those it looks like something pulled from a scene that we will have to sit back and watch and less gear up and actually zoom through the streets of the world killing bad guys on. Then again, these are promotional and not taken straight from the FPS gameplay. If Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is sticking with the FPS model.

Yea that is a fun speculation of mine that is founded nothing more than what we have seen thus far. To be honest all of the other Call Of Duty titles had similar screens in the early announcement days but all of these are from a different perspective than FPS. This is also stated as Sledgehammer’s greatest endeavor so wouldn’t it be interesting if they actually put out something that shook up the franchise more than just multiplayer and available load outs. It’s doubtful but hey…

Now that all is said and done, here are those mentioned screen shots for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare. With hover bikes!

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