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Even More Horizon Zero Dawn Machine Are Flying Into The Mix

Even More Horizon Zero Dawn Machine Are Flying Into The Mix

Horizon Zero Dawn

Two more machines from Horizon Zero Dawn have been given a breakdown video and these look to be some of the fiercest Horizon Zero Dawn has to offer yet

Just as I thought yesterday when we had two new videos for Horizon Zero Dawn‘s machines, now we have another two to devour in such a short time. It does look like we are going to have a look at all of those dangerous machines in the game as Guerrilla Games has two more to show off here and I am fairly sure that they have yet to be seen in the general wild yet so it is time to get even more excited for the game here. Or frightened as it looks like we have one that looks like it could be fairly manageable and another flying one that looks to make Horizon Zero Dawn be a bit more on the difficult side of things. At least that is how it looks from these breakdowns and vulnerability videos we have here today.

First up we have the Stormbird. As the name implies it is a flying machine that will haunt the skies and lands of Horizon Zero Dawn with the ability to not only swoop in for some massive attacks, but also hurl electrical bursts and energy to fry Aloy a bit more than she most likely already is. Mix in the fact that the weakness and vulnerability for the Stormbird also happens to be on the edges of its wings and small underbelly, I have a feeling this will most likely be tackled in a spray and pray kind of way. Well, at least spray and pray as much as the weapons of Horizon Zero Dawn will let us. A bow and arrow is not really the best to do that here.

Horizon Zero Dawn — The Machines: Stormbird

Soaring through the sky at high altitude, the fearsome Stormbird is a combat-class machine that can swoop down and attack its prey with tremendous force. It is just as dangerous on land as it is in the air, with a variety of swift and powerful attacks that range from wing blasts to claw slashes. Its enormous metal wings are capable of collecting and discharging the electricity in the air.

Next we have another beat of a machine here for Horizon Zero Dawn with the Behemoth. At least beast in size and damage output as they generally look to be transport machines that can also alter the gravity in the area. Okay, well maybe that part will be a little difficult to deal with as you’ll also be dodging the things that it will be throwing at you as well as it charging you. For some reason Guerrilla Games didn’t think this thing was already overpowered when mixed with the others in the game’s world. None the less, it looks like its vulnerabilities are a little easier to spot and take out so there is a nice balance there. Although I know I’d like to hop on and ride this thing around more than just kill it. Could you imagine?

Horizon Zero Dawn — The Machines: Behemoth

The Behemoth is a huge, rugged transport-class machine that uses anti-gravity technology to transfer precious cargo from smaller acquisition-class machines into its stomach container. When provoked, it may charge at the enemy or use its anti-gravity unit to hurl heavy objects. It is also equipped with a set of grinding drills that allow it to grind and propel rock projectiles.

What do you think about these two new machines that we have here for Horizon Zero Dawn? Do you agree that the Stormbird is going to be one the toughest we’ve seen so far or will it matter if we can clip its wings with ease? Do you think it will be possible to override the Behemoth so we can ride it or will we be stuck to only those that we’ve seen so far that Aloy can ride? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As more of these and other videos for Horizon Zero Dawn are released, we will have them here. Be sure to keep checking back on the site to keep as up to date on all of it as February 28th looms ever so much closer here.

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