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Even More Of The Base Story For God Of War Is Revealed

Even More Of The Base Story For God Of War Is Revealed

God Of War

More of the main story for God Of War has been discussed in various ways as the big push for God Of War information comes to a close

The month of massive coverage for God Of War has come to an end and we have learned a whole lot of new things for the game, as well as when to expect it on the PS4. April 20th is still the set date from Santa Monica Studio so do not start to fret. After that last massive story trailer for God Of War though, there were a lot of questions and things that we still want to know. At least want to know now and will most likely learn through playing the game, but this is the age of instant gratification so we want it now. Spoilers be damned as well as keeping the story sacred until we finally get to dive in. Am I right?

Thank the gods though that the team is not divulging too much of God Of War‘s story before launch, but we do have a lot of other new tidbits to take in for it all. The next Lost Pages Of Norse Myth podcast has released and the story of the game is the main topic. Thankfully, all we get is more on the tone and theme of the story without any real spoilers at all. There is also a nice little bridge from God Of War 3 to where Kratos is now as well. Also, a lot of the broken record we have heard time and time again since the project was fully announced. This is a good thing, but there are some interesting things to take in as to choices the team went with Atreus and the whole new family that Kratos has and is in charge of.

God Of War — The Lost Pages Of Norse Myth — Episode 5

“Like Father, Like Son” follows young Atreus on his first journey out into the Norse Wilds. Join Jason Weiser of The Myths and Legends podcast as he unveils a new Lost Page of Norse Myth to reveal official backstory from the world of God Of War.

God Of War — The Lost Pages Of Norse Myth — Episode 5

If you were listening close to the podcast here, you may have heard about an extra story bit for God Of War that you can partake in. It is via Facebook Messenger and takes you a bit further on the path of Atreus. It also unlocks a few extra bits of concept art for the game to look at as you go. If you want to skip out on that story, it is interesting as an FYI, you can turn your gaze a bit lower to see the artwork for God Of War that it all holds. They all fall into context with the interactive story you can play, but look pretty cool nonetheless for those who do not want to have that extra little spoil before the game finally launches.

If all of that for God Of War‘s story was not enough, we also have one more interview with Cory Barlog of Santa Monica Studio to go into some new fan questions and some that go along with the story side of it all. Nothing too new if you have been following along so far and listened to everything above, but there are some new clarifications as to some minor things in the game. Like the boat will not be a huge focus in the game but something to give us all a break. There will be optional “boss fights,” and it looks like Atreus has meaning behind the name and what he says when he casts his magic. A lot of care has gone into God Of War and this just highlights it that much more.

God Of War — Answering Lingering Questions

In this special edition of The Game Informer Show, Ben Hanson asks God Of War‘s creative director Cory Barlog dozens of burning questions from the community in an exclusive interview about Kratos’ next journey on the PlayStation 4.

How epic do you think the story of God Of War is going to turn out to be or will it be more of a drama with the shift in pantheons and theme? Will this all be wrapped up in one title here or could it branch into many other titles in the franchise as it has before? Do you think we will get to see the bridge from the last major title to this one in terms of story or will it all be word of mouth as we have had in these videos? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss at length. As we dig up more on God Of War, we will place it up on the site. Be sure to stick around so you can see it all before April 20th.

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