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Everything Does What The Title States & Lets You Play As…Everything

Everything Does What The Title States & Lets You Play As…Everything


A new title, Everything, has been announced with the key feature of allowing players to play as everything in the game to let us have a better view from other perspectives

Just when you thought that having multiple characters in a video game was getting out of hand we get introduced to Everything. That would be the game title of the next title that David OReilly and team are working on. As the name implies, and as I have alluded to, you will be able to take control of pretty much anything you can see and play as it in the game world. Because that is just what we all want and now we have Everything to try and deliver it. Hopefully it won’t bog us all down too much.

As it goes, in Everything you have a power called Being. This is what lets you play as horse, or a paper clip, or the sun if you so choose. How there will be any semblance of story or true game is beyond me but we are only in the announcement step of the game. Hopefully there is more than just that and there is a way to have conflict and other event occur that are not solved by just Being that other creature to get rid of it. If that is the case then it sounds like Everything is going to be just another walking sim…

Outside of the following announcement trailer there isn’t much more for Everything here. It is currently slated as a PS4 exclusive at launch and then to expand to the PC and Mac sometime after that. A release window of sorts is still not defined so all we really know is the high concept and some flashy video.

Everything — Announcement Trailer

What do you think about Everything as it stands? Does it sound like a true game or just an experience that will let you live out some odd fantasies? Will we truly be able to control all things as the title states? Would you want to play as a strand of hair on the back of mouse? Let us know your thoughts down below. For more on Everything and other games like it stay right here for more.

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