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Evolve Big Alpha Beta Retrospective

Evolve Big Alpha Beta Retrospective


Evolve is set shaping up to be the game of the year… perhaps one of the best games of the decade. I was able to participate in the Big Alpha and I thoroughly enjoyed playing.

Turtle Rock Studios known best as the creator of the Left 4 Dead is set to release their new game Evolve on February 10th, 2015. Until then though they held the Big Alpha giving some people the chance to experience the game. Needless to say it was some of the most fun I’ve had playing a game in a while. Much like with L4D, Evolve is shaping up to be one of those games that will always fun to play. Even with Left 4 Dead 2 being released over five years ago it still has a huge following.

The gameplay with Evolve makes cooperation a must. The time and care Turtle Rock put into balancing the game only adds to the fun. The team of Hunters is comprised of four classes; Trapper, Support, Medic, and an Assault class. The Hunter’s team always has one of each so you don’t get stuck on a team comprised of all Assault or Support keeping it nice and balanced.

You can’t be a one man army hoping to single handedly bring down the monster. Though in-turn the monster cannot wreck the entire team right out of the gate. The monster must drag out the game and become stronger before engaging the hunters. In other words the monster needs to “ Evolve” first.

The maps are also very unique and well designed. A mixture of maps teaming with local wildlife making the environment feel alive. Knowing that in the beautiful landscape a monster is waiting out there was a very thrilling experience. It only gets me more excited to see what other maps are in store and how the multiplayer and single player will differ from one another.

From what I have seen and played Evolve will easily be a contender for game of the year bringing asymmetric multiplayer to the next-gen masses on February 10th.

Evolve — Evacuation Story Trailer


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