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Exoprimal Is Taking Us Into The Future With Its Release Date

Exoprimal Is Taking Us Into The Future With Its Release Date


The release date for Exoprimal is set for this July with a chance for us all to try Exoprimal well before its launch

The dinosaurs are going to be flooding our streets here in Exoprimal this coming summer now. As long as you are willing and ready to take on this new shooter that Capcom has coming to the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It is fully understandable if another online shooter is not going to be a game you want to get behind. For those that are excited to see what Exoprimal is going to strike us all with, you can mark down July 14th for when you will be able to take it all on. That is the official release date that we have just been given for it along with a little more gameplay to take it as well.

While we have a new release date to put in our calendars for Exoprimal, that does not mean that we have to wait the months to get to experience it all, though. For those that want to give it a little bit of a trial beforehand, it looks as if there will be an open beta on all the platforms listed that will run between March 17th and March 19th. Not a whole lot of time, but it should be something to give you a better feel for what Exoprimal is going to toss our way once it fully drops. If we all do not find massive faults with the game and force some massive changes, at least. That can happen but this is not usually the team that will have something out there that will need that much of a reworking when the public does finally get to have hands on it.

Exoprimal — Release Date

Suit-up and face the dino swarms when Exoprimal launches on July 14, 2023!

Humanity has a second chance at survival – Play Exoprimal early on March 17-March 19 in the Open Beta Test, including full cross-platform matchmaking between Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, PS5, PS4, and Steam!

Are you going to join in on the fun of Exoprimal during the beta next week or will you let the rest of the community find any massive faults in the game before then? Will this be the perfect time to release a game like this or should the date have been listed as something else for now? Will this one last longer than some of the other online titles out there or do you see the gameplay loop becoming rote too quickly? You can let us all know what is on your mind down in the comment section while also discussing it all. There will be quite a bit more for Exoprimal, I am sure, and it will all be shared right here for you. Please keep checking back in for those details as we head off to another launch date.

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