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Experience The First Big Bit That The Surge 2 Has To Offer

Experience The First Big Bit That The Surge 2 Has To Offer

The Surge 2

The first twenty minutes of The Surge 2 is out there and it looks like it will be a bit of a deviation from The Surge than we may have expected

The Surge 2 is only a day out from launch, or hours for those who live in those time zones and all that, but that does not stop us from having a whole lot of new gameplay out there to drag us in. It is nothing that has officially been placed out there by Deck 13 as of yet, obviously, yet it does let us all experience the first twenty minutes of the game. Yes, the first twenty minutes of The Surge 2, which also includes a nice little boss fight we will get to experience in the game. This obviously means that there are a whole lot of spoilers to be had here. The big bonus being that we can see how it will look in 4K on the PC and then try to figure out how it will shift over to the PS4 and Xbox One.

Even though you have been warned here, there is a lot of fun stuff to look at for The Surge 2 here. Also all of the fun we will have in the character creation system and upgrading system we will get to have in the game. Not too odd given what we played in The Surge before and have seen so far before now. It does look like there will be a bit of a deviation on how fast we will be able to get to the full “mech” look with our character, but this could be a great thing. More so when it looks like we are going to just be fighting our way out of a lot of basic humans along the way. If you wish to, you can see it all in motion just below and spoil that opening.

The Surge 2 — First 20 Minutes Of Gameplay Including First Boss

In The Surge 2 on September 24, life on earth as we know it is coming to an end. Deck 13’s latest hardcore action-RPG entry begins after the deFrag nanovirus strikes following the launch of a Utopia rocket. In Jericho City, one lone warrior — you — must fight through hell, high water, and amnesia to discover the truth about the virus, the city, and much more. Experience the start of this story in the new trailer, released today.

Here, we meet our hero, and many of the inhabitants of Jericho City. Nano-cultists run rampant through the streets, harvesting everything they can from the environment for their mysterious ends. The government forces of A.I.D attempt to maintain a stranglehold on the city with violent means. All the while, Athena, a girl with whom you have a special connection, leads you through the streets to a destination unknown.

This mystery accompanies gameplay that refines and enhances the Surge formula, bringing new weapons, new gadgets, enhanced ranged combat, additional implants, and much more. Dismemberment and limb-targeting still form the backbone of how you fight, loot, and choose your loadout, but with more options than ever before.

Are you fully ready for The Surge 2 or will you be able to hold off until tomorrow to get you play on? Did you want to have a similar set up before the events take off in the game or will someone trying to escape a hospital be enough for you? How far in do you think we will have to be to finally get our full mech look on? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As more for The Surge 2 gets out there, we will update you here. That is, if there is more after the launch tomorrow…

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