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Explore A Bit More Of Paititi In Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Explore A Bit More Of Paititi In Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

A new hub location is revealed for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider that will add in many new features and expand on the Tomb Raider feeling of the game

It is time to introduce you to one of the main hubs we will be exploring in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider when it launches on September 14th. Welcome to Paititi, a place that will be home to all kinds of trade and exploration when not going through the main story that Eidos-Montréal has for us. Sometimes we need a break from the core parts of our games and this one will be it. That and the way we get to trade for new items, find other hidden tombs, and learn about the cultures in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, but that is all secondary. Not really though. Just another large section of a game to keep us further in the worlds of Square Enix and not the other games that will be out there around the same time.

You will see below that Paititi will be a vast area in the game. In fact, it is one of the largest in Tomb Raider history and will have a bustling economy for us to play in and people to meet. We will also have the option to turn on and off the voice over options to have the basic NPCs speak in their native tongues to give us a bit more immersion into Lara’s world or to have them left in our native tongues so we can fully understand all that Shadow Of The Tomb Raider has to offer. It will be up to us. Although, it would be nice to see a system that slowly turns it off on its own once we discover enough of the dialect collectibles in the game. That would be a bit more immersive in my book.

Also in the latest gameplay for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, we get to see how some of the difficulty options in the game will work and how the team has changed up some of the hidden tombs in the world. One of the options we will see is that we can turn off the assistance for traversal and hide those hints. They will still glow when looking around in Lara’s survival instincts mode, but it will force us to look around a bit more to find our paths. Mix in the updated system that brings full swimming back to the Tomb Raider game, we could be in for one hell of a ride when all is said and done.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider — Welcome To Paititi

Paititi is the largest hub ever created in a Tomb Raider game, delivering a thriving new social area filled with adventure and opportunity. Players can dive into a bustling economy to barter for new outfits and weapons, interact with and learn from inhabitants to complete side missions, hunt for and harvest valuable resources, and of course discover hidden crypts and challenges tombs. Paititi will keep players exploring and challenged for hours on end.

Do you like the look and feel for Paitit or were you hoping for a different way to go about all of this in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider? Do you like the extra options for the difficulty or will they just lead to more uses of the Instinct mode to be activated when all is said and done? Will you be playing with the languages turned on or off in your game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Shadow Of The Tomb Raider as it comes, just keep popping back on the site here. We will keep all of the updates coming and you will be glad that you stuck close by.

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