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Explore & Fight Your Way Through The Latest For Hollowbody

Explore & Fight Your Way Through The Latest For Hollowbody


New gameplay for Hollowbody is out there to show us the exploration and combat we can expect to have when Hollowbody launches

After having a successful startup for Hollowbody, a new survival horror title from Headware Games, we are getting to see more of the gameplay flow out there to keep us all excited. New gameplay that takes us deeper into the horror setting that we will get to experience on the PC while showing off how it will use its inspirations to perfect use. Those looking at Hollowbody should be able to see the titles that were used to give us another trip into the third-person horror out there, which is only emphasized more with the way the mechanics look like they will be working too. Let us get all of the hype up for this one to get wrapped up.

As you will be able to see in the latest video for Hollowbody, we are going to be exploring a very dark world and running into some terrifying things out there. The locked doors and impassible areas look like they will have in-game reasons and not just some invisible walls in the mix. This is something I know I always like to see in video games to keep us immersed further in. With the horror we are going to be fighting here in Hollowbody, it will be something greatly appreciated. Even if some of the early combat mechanics feel like they could use a lot more polish on them. They are rather basic from melee and firearms, but it is still early in the development, so that can easily change as it flows further.

Hollowbody — Exploration & Combat

Hollowbody is a third-person survival horror game with an emphasis on strong world-building set in a dystopian near-future. With classic survival horror gameplay inspired by early 2000s horror titles such as Silent Hill 2, 3, Kuon, and Rule of Rose.

It’s a Shipper’s biggest fear. You’re grounded in the exclusion zone, twenty miles of death and decay sealed off by the towering, suffocating walls erected after the collapse.

Alone, stranded, and with limited resources at your disposal, you’ll have to push your way through the zone, solve environmental puzzles, manage resources, and fight for your life as you try to find a way to escape beyond the wall.


  • Classic survival horror gameplay inspired by early 2000s horror titles.
  • Cinematic blend of dynamic and fixed camera angles.
  • Logic puzzles, resource management, and limited combat with a focus on narrative and exploration.
  • Multiple endings.
  • Full voice acting.
  • An emphasis on strong world-building set in a dystopian near-future.
  • Carefully paced save points ensure tension is maintained whilst respecting the player’s time.
  • Accessibility options to aid players who prefer exploration over combat.
  • New game + features.

Were you able to see how Hollowbody is based around titles like Silent Hill and Kuon or did you need that spelled out here? Does the world look like it will be the correct level of terrifying and the extra immersion to keep us drawn in? Were you expecting more from the combat in the game or will it be nice to get what we have here already? Take those thoughts into the comment section and then discuss it all as you so wish to do. We are keeping an eye on Hollowbody and will share everything that we can to you. Please keep checking in for all of those updates and everything else we can bring along with them.

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