Lies Of P: Overture
The next chapter in the Lies Of P story is on the way to us with a new bit of the lore to take in with Lies Of P: Overture
Just when you thought the insanity was done, it looks like we are getting more with the announcement of Lies Of P: Overture. A bit of DLC that NEOWIZ and Round8 Studio is working on out there to continue the story a bit further. This was all announced in a basic way not too long ago during the State Of Play, but here we are with a look at some of the official story we are going to get to play. All so we can have more Lies Of P in our life, but also many more secrets to be uncovered in the mix when it comes to the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. I mean, provided that you want to see some of the events of the world before the core game we had a few years ago…
As mentioned, this is a prequel story to the main events of Lies Of P but will still focus on Pinocchio in the mix. Along, though, there will be a new character in the story named Lea. Lea looks to be another of the Stalker faction in the world and will be here as more of a helper in the events of the story than any kind of true protagonist. That does mean that Lea will have her own agendas and plans going on in the background of Lies Of P: Overture, but it will not be the main focus as we will still mostly follow Pinocchio. Even if this new story trailer does feel like there is a lot more focus on Lea than one would expect. Have a look and see what is on the way to us all this coming Summer as long as all goes to plan.
Lies Of P: Overture — Official Story
As Geppetto’s Puppet, you encounter a mysterious artifact that transports you back to Krat in its final days of grandeur. In the shadow of an impending tragedy, your mission is to explore the past and uncover its dark secrets — haunted by surprises, loss, and vengeance. The choices you make ripple through the past and present in the world of Lies Of P, revealing hidden truths and leaving lasting consequences.
Embark on an unforgettable adventure where the symphony of steel clashes with the haunting melody of the unknown. Dare to unravel the mysteries of the past, for in the heart of darkness lies the key to unlocking the secrets of a timeless tale reborn.
“Geppetto’s puppet… We need your help.”
Did you ever expect that we would be going to moments that happened before the Lies Of P main story or did you think this was somewhere else in the timeline? How much of Lea will we get to interact with and will there be more than just a tragic death at the end of all of this? How will Lea be helping us in the mix of combat and will it be something we have to trigger or something automated in the mix of the events? Slide on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we have for the game so far. Once we have more to share than just some teases for Lies Of P: Overture, we will do so here. All you need to do is stay locked into the site so you are able to see and experience all of that as best as you can out there.
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