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Far Cry 5 Is Ready To Welcome To Hope County

Far Cry 5 Is Ready To Welcome To Hope County

Far Cry 5

New teaser trailers for Far Cry 5 have popped up online and all point to the location with Far Cry 5 getting a full trailer by week’s end

We’ve only barely caught wind that Far Cry 5 is coming before the end of the fiscal year and now it looks like the date for that could be a lot closer than we thought. No, we don’t have a release date for the game just yet, but Ubisoft is teasing it pretty hard right now with a full blown trailer promised by the end of the week. If that doesn’t state that they are close to having Far Cry 5 near completion, then it is a weird choice to start so soon. Especially since we’ve been give four little teases to give us a setting for the game and maybe a clue as to the era or style we may be seeing soon.

While there are four new teasers out there for Far Cry 5, we have them all in one spot for you so you don’t need to click through multiple videos. All of them show off the rumored location of Hope County, Montana as where we will be doing all of our insanity. Not only that, but it looks like all of the environments are going to be wide-open and lush, and as the trailers show, filled with some pretty hardcore violence. Just what we would expect in Far Cry 5. That and with it all pushing forward in the technology space, it makes sense it all looks a lot better than previous titles as well. Just how it always should be.

Far Cry 5 — Teaser Trailer

Welcome to Hope County, Montana. Tune in on May 26th, 2017 to watch the Far Cry 5 Announce Trailer.

One of the other rumors that have been floating around about Far Cry 5 would be the setting of the game having a country or western feel to it all. This seems pinpointed here with the very short musical ending at each trailer, but it could just point to the more rustic lives we’ll be disrupting in the game. Some have stated that Far Cry 5 could be a full western style game at the end of the day, in the lines of Red Dead Redemption and such, but as of right now all Ubisoft has shown us is that the game is coming and will be set in a rustic area of the world. Maybe we’ll know a lot more by May 26th, but for now this is all we have to go on. I’m not holding any breath for it at the moment though.

What are your thoughts on the locations we have to see here for Far Cry 5? Do you think that they point to an era or other setting for the game or will it all just be a rural setting in a more modern time we will get to experience? Are you curious as to why we have only teasers for what will most likely be another longer teaser and not just gameplay footage? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. Of course there is going to be a lot more for Far Cry 5 and when it is released out there, we will have it for you. Keep checking in on the site to find out all about it and more.

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