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Far Cry 6 Has Been Delayed A Bit From February Of 2021

Far Cry 6 Has Been Delayed A Bit From February Of 2021

Far Cry 6

The release date for Far Cry 6 has been pushed out to make sure that the team can make this the most ambitious Far Cry title to date

I do hope you did not have your hope set up to get Far Cry 6 this coming February, as it looks like those hopes have been dashed. That is, it looks like Ubisoft has opted to push the game out further to allow the developers more time to work on the title. Given that Far Cry 6 is poised to be the next big and ambitious title into the franchise, they need to make sure it shines. If it did not, then we could see an IP be shot down just as fast as the enemies in the game. It only takes one big dud to kill of a franchise here and with the power of the PS5 and Xbox Series X, gamers will be expecting something on the top shelf when it comes to the video game.

Sadly, there is not a solid release date for when we could see Far Cry 6 hit us outside of the fiscal year of 2021. That mean it could be as early as April of 2021 or as late as February of 2022. I have a feeling that it will be on the closer spectrum given the fact that they were aiming to get the game to us in a few months. That could be some high hopes given how other titles have gone with their delays, but seeing as this is due to a slowdown from COVID it could be easy to see a few months of delay. I honestly do not think we will be waiting a whole year before we get to play Far Cry 6. I could be wrong but I want to try to stay on the positive side of things for now.

Far Cry 6 — World Premiere

Did you have your hearts on getting the game in February or will this be better for the Far Cry at the end of it all? Do you think we will see it as early April or do you think it could be the full year delay as it could be? How close to the end of the game development cycle do you think they were before announcement or was it pulling the trigger too soon given the world we are in? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If we have more for Far Cry 6, we will definitely have it up the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much more.

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