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February Will Be The Month When You Will Get To See All Of Your Dreams

February Will Be The Month When You Will Get To See All Of Your Dreams


The release date for Dreams has been officially set, as Dreams will be exiting its Early Access in February of 2020

For a good chunk of the year, Dreams has been out there on the PS4 in an Early Access form for players to help shape the game and also have the experience that is coming with it. It has been a weird thing going since as it was one of the first major versions of a paid Early Access on the platform but it seems to have worked out well. I say this as we now have word that the Dreams is leaving its early access and Media Molecule will be giving us all the experience in a full form this February. Specifically, we will be seeing the game land on February 14th for those who have nothing else to do but dive in and create some fun experiences for others to love.

Cheekiness aside, that is now the confirmed release date for Dreams now and those who have been holding off on getting into it can now get ready. More so with it only being a low $29.99 USD to dive into and pick up this game engine for themselves. That is pretty much what this is as there does not seem to be a campaign or story mode to go along with it as other titles from the developer have had. Maybe Dreams just does not need something like that? Given all of the things created thus far in the system, we might now need that. Have a look at a few more of those experiences and games we can look forward to getting if you are not already in on the Early Access, that is.

Dreams — Release Date

Watch our new trailer for Dreams, launching on PlayStation 4 14th February, 2020.

Do you think this release date for Dreams is a good call or one that may doom things a bit? Could we actually see a developer built story mode in there as we did for LittleBigPlanet or will it just be the tools and things built by others to start? Are we going to get more than just a game engine for the price here or does it make sense with the reduced cost? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we learn more for Dreams, we will update you on the site. All you have to do is keep coming back to check it all out and enjoy.

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