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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Gives Us All Some Final Gameplay To Enjoy Before Launch

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Gives Us All Some Final Gameplay To Enjoy Before Launch

New gameplay for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is here as well as a bit of a demo for us to enjoy before the launch of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

We knew there was a lot to come out for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth with the latest State of Play that went down, but I do not think everyone expected to have as much as we did. Not only did Square Enix give us all one more trailer to look at before the game launches on the PS5 this coming February 29th, but we also have a demo and a whole lot of new gameplay. Not new gameplay as in we have not seen it before, but new gameplay that are features and functions that were not even in the Final Fantasy VII Remake or Intergrade versions of things. I hope you have some time set aside, as it is time to dig in and see just what is on the way here in the coming weeks if you are not just jumping into the first part of the demo now. There is a second part to come to. This is going to be massive.

First, we will go with the lengthy trailer for the story and cinematics we can expect in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Some of it is a nicer view than what we had in the original, but there is a whole lot more to take in as the story shifts again. We have characters running about that we did not before and others doing things that are not the same. Something that we have seen sowed in with the previous titles, but this one feels like it might lean in on some other massive changes to come that we did not experience in Final Fantasy VII. Have a watch and see, as it does not seem to spoil anything, but do take some notes. It feels like they are mentioning things about Aerith to get us ready, but still shows that we could have a rug pulled and we see a different character meet their final end in the story.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Final Trailer

Play the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Demo on PS5. Download from the PlayStation Store.

Join Cloud and his friends as they embark on a journey across the vast and vibrant world filled with secrets, powerful materia, and unforgettable friends and foes.

Get the Demo now to explore Nibelheim — the mountain village and Cloud and Tifa’s hometown that holds many memories key to the game’s story.

The 2nd part of the Demo, the Junon area episode, will become playable after an update on 02/21/2024 and can be accessed after completing the Nibelheim episode.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on February 29, 2024.

What is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? The Unknown Journey Continues… After escaping from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud, and his friends set out on a journey across the planet. New adventures await — prepare to sprint across grassy plains on a Chocobo and explore expansive environments.

From there, we will move into the gameplay that is coming for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. We are now in the open world of the game and the map gives us just that. Sure, we will have to go down some story paths to push things forward, but it sounds like we will always be able to come back and complete missions or side hustles in the game, unlike what we had to experience in the other parts of the game. More so, as some of our intel and other advancements in the AR setting of Final Fantasy VII will be linked to this. As well as all of the Chocobo breeding and fun we can have at the Golden Saucer in the game. All to lead up to that date night that feels like it will change so much more with character relationships being a new feature in this one. Now we have more of a reason to keep an eye on our dialog choices along the way.

In addition to all of that, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be adding in a new team relationship system that will lead to some extra synergy in fights. During the play of this one, we will be able to take control of the various characters in our party and then swap them in and out as we so choose. All have different interactions with the game’s world while also being able to build up extra attacks that team up with each other. All with a whole new progression tree to build up in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to help the characters pull off extra moves and attacks. It might feel as if it is going to be a whole lot to manage, but it looks as if it will be streamlined in a way to focus only on our gameplay style more than anything. Have a look and see how it all breaks down a bit further now.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Gameplay

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, launching on Thursday 29 February 2024, was featured in the State of Play.

A special gameplay video presented by Director Naoki Hamaguchi was revealed, showing how this game has been designed.

Many features including the vast world map where Cloud and his friends go on their new journey are showcased with newly revealed footage. Please look forward to the new experiences that this title will bring.

The Unknown Journey Continues…

After escaping from the mako-powered city of Midgar, Cloud, and his friends have broken the shackles of fate and set out on a journey into untracked wastelands. New adventures await in a vast and multifaceted world, sprinting across grassy plains on a Chocobo and exploring expansive environments.

Now that we have all of that out there for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, we can put some of it to practice as of right now, if you so choose. The first part of the demo is currently live on the PS5 if you want to partake in it. This will be a bit of the new gameplay that takes us all through the Junon portion of the game. Then, on February 21st, if you still need more, there will be a second demo to drop for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth that will allow us to kill the final week of waiting by taking us through parts of the Nibelheim episode of the game. It might spoil a few things, but if it is anything like the past demos, it will give us all enough to get excited over while maybe dropping in a few little extras for when we play the full game.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Play The Demo

Play the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Demo on PS5. Download from the PlayStation Store.

The 2nd part of the demo, the Junon area episode, will become playable after an update on 21.02.2024 and can be accessed after completing the Nibelheim episode.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches 29. February 2024.

In this standalone story, Cloud and his friends set out on a journey across the planet: new adventures await in a vibrant and vast world.

Most of the team here has been so excited to finally get Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and all it has to offer. Some of us were worried it was going to be like the other two parts to it all but with more story, summons, and abilities to unlock along the way. Knowing that there is a whole lot more to it, with other minigames and events that were even scrapped in the original version of Final Fantasy VII makes it even bearable that we will not have Vincent or Cid as a playable character yet. It also makes it clear why we had to wait so long and that they are releasing it on two discs. This a solid point for marketing but it also feels like it might be needed with how much is getting packed into this new portion of the video game IP we have loved for so very long.

Did you expect to get so much dropped for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth out of all of this or did you think it was going to be more of the basic hype we normally get? How do you feel about having so many new things added in and will that be overwhelming for too many out there? What other new things will be in the game that were not added to the original version and will they all pay off in this new title? Head on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else that may come to mind. We are going to have a whole lot more for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth as we get closer to the release date and then beyond. So, please keep on coming back to see and hear about all of that as we head on toward the launch.

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