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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Launches Us All Right Back Into Midgar

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Launches Us All Right Back Into Midgar

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The launch of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is finally here and we have one more look at this Final Fantasy adventure

The day is finally here and we can all dive into what Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has to offer up to us all on the PS5. Those who have been counting the days until now are most likely already deep into the game instead of reading any of this. Those who have been on the fence about what Square Enix has been doing with this Final Fantasy IP might need one last little push or reminder that the game has launched out there. This is that last little bit to get you to join in the fun of it all. For those waiting until the whole game has been released out there on five to seven different discs, well, here is one more fun thing to look at as the game has launched and players are playing it.

Just as with all launch trailers we get out there, this one hints at things to come in the story of Final Fantasy VII Remake and shows off a little of the conflict in it all. All while weirdly repeating the character’s names a few times from the various other characters. A weird thing to do, sure, but I am guessing there is a good reason for this. It does help to keep some of the bigger story beats of Final Fantasy VII hidden but hinted at in all of this. Some things might have been changed and others might be exactly what broke hearts and minds from before. We do not need to wait long to see all of it, though, since it will only be the wait of how long it will take for you to download and start playing. Here is a video to watch as you wait for it all.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Launch Trailer

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is finally here! The winner of The Game Award’s Most Anticipated Game is available for download from the PlayStation Store.

Having escaped from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud and his friends embark on a journey to hunt down Sephiroth — a menacing figure from Cloud’s past bent on ruling the planet.

Join the team as they travel across the vast and vibrant world filled with secrets, powerful materia, and numerous stories of the planet’s people and cultures.

New adventures await — prepare to meet unforgettable friends and foes, sprint across grassy plains on a Chocobo, and spend hours playing the Queen’s Blood card game.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launched on February 29, 2024.

I am surprised that I have been able to dodge spoilers for anything that has changed in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth from the original and am excited to be able to jump in and experience it all blindly. Well, as blindly as I can be after playing the demos and watching the various videos that have been placed out there for us all. I was not too concerned about the bigger story beats and some events that will go down, since they are some that most likely will have only changed in the visuals but still the same as the original. All I know is this weekend will be filled with me diving in and seeing just what Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has to share with us as we wait for the next big push out there for the last run of the game. Unless there is another mid-point spin-off planned that we do not know about yet.

Have you been playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth already and did not need this little showcase to bring you onboard? How vastly do you think the story might go with this one or will it all lead to the same place we all think it will? Are you suspecting we will have another entry like we did for Yuffie in the mix or will the next run be the true finale to it all? Head on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have to share for the title. When there is more to share for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth or any of this, we will share it all here with you. Please come on back to see and hear about all of it as we get it.

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