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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Offers Up A Deeper Look At How Things Came To Life

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Offers Up A Deeper Look At How Things Came To Life

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

A new behind-the-scene series for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers up one more look at how Final Fantasy VII Rebirth came to be

It has now been a solid month since Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launched out there on the PS5 and many have been still playing through the story of it all. It is a massive game and had a whole lot of extra work added in from Square Enix to further justify why it has taken so long between massive releases. A close-to-perfect game did come from all of that. If you are somehow still on the fence about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, or just enjoy seeing how your video games are made, Gods do we have some video for you. Four videos that take us through the various processes and thoughts that helped to bring the game to life. Grab a nice drink and kick up your feet so you can see more about how this one was made.

Each of these videos is a nice and long look at various different aspects of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Some of them we have seen before in shorter videos and others expand on much more the design and choices made along the way. All to give us a deeper understanding of the new and old parts dropped into the game, how some of the voices got ready to bring the English side of it to life, and things that were supposed to be in the original Final Fantasy VII but were left unavailable to players until now. Some of them are some fun aspects of the game. Even if they do add more minigames into the mix when it is already packed full of all of those. I will let the developers, cast, and crew tell you more instead of breaking each little part down. Have a fun watch.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Shaping The World

Inside Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – A look behind the scenes of the making of one of 2024’s most anticipated games.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirthis out now for PlayStation 5. The Unknown Journey Continues… After escaping from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud, and his friends set out on a journey across the planet. New adventures await – prepare to sprint across grassy plains on a Chocobo and explore expansive environments.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Friends Of Fate

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — New Friends & Foes

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — Voicing Icons

Seeing how massive of a project that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was, it is understandable to see why it took so long to make. There were some bits that I think the game did not need, but others that these videos help to explain away. At least for me. Now that we have all of this, we can most likely expect just about the same kind of time for the next part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake run to come out to us all. With any luck, the next one will figure out how to carry over all of the data and gameplay from the past so there is a true reason to play these titles in order and not just watch recaps afterward. Having placed close to a hundred hours into this one, I do not want to feel like all that work was for nothing when the final big chunk of the game does drop out there.

Did you learn anything new for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth out of all of this or did you opt to skip on by it all? Were there too many minigames in this one for you or did you enjoy each of the little things you had to do so the runtime was padded? How long will it be until we see the next big chunk of the game or will we have more of the spin-off titles in the mix more than anything? Head to the comment section to discuss it all and let the world know what is on your mind. If we have more to offer up for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, know that we will share it all as best we can. Please keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others we have in the works.

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