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Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters Have One More Trailer To Take In

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters Have One More Trailer To Take In

Final Fantasy X/X-2

A new trailer is here for the Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 remasters to get you excited for their re-release in a week

In just over a week the remaster for Final Fantasy X/X-2 will be out there for the Xbox One and Switch. Yet one more of the Square Enix titles that did not show on the platforms the first few times around, but now that we have the technology and exclusivities gone they can. That would, at least, be the thought behind this as the PlayStation fans have been hogging all of the Final Fantasy goodness for a while now. The same can be said for other entries into their other franchises. That is seeming to end here as we have more coming.

That all said, April 16th will have both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 join the console for those still aching to enjoy. That means more gamers can dive into the fun of the Dress Sphere and weird pop star life that Yuna and friends had. I still enjoyed it all, but it did feel like it was a little out of place given everything else in the games. Love it or hate it, it is coming back and you can get a little bit more of that taste in your mouth just before it hits these new consoles. It was not as bad as many out there want you to think.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 — Remaster Trailer

In Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, players will discover two extraordinary tales of adventure and excitement in which Tidus and Yuna must work alongside their friends to overcome dangerous and powerful adversaries that threaten their world. With emotional stories, deep and tactical gameplay and dozens of hours of content, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a perfect opportunity to experience one of the most popular titles in the Final Fantasy series.

Are you excited to finally get to play these Final Fantasy titles or have you already had that pleasure? When do you think we will see a remaster of all of the games in one collection for all platforms? Could we ever get a remaster of VI/III out there or is that my little dream to have? Let us all know down in the comments. If there is something further to share for the remaster of Final Fantasy X/X-2, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that as we loom closer to launch.

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