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Final Fantasy XV Brings Out Some Serious Hardware To Battle With

Final Fantasy XV Brings Out Some Serious Hardware To Battle With

Final Fantasy XV

New screenshots for Final Fantasy XV have been released and we get a good look at all of the Final Fantasy XV firearms coming into the game

Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to watch the insanely long Final Fantasy XV demo that was put out there back at Gamescom. Also hopefully you have a chance to play the demo that Square Enix put out there back at E3 as well. What you may or may not have seen between them all is that the crew of Final Fantasy XV will have some serious weapons at their disposal and some of them are firearms. Something that has usually been the domain of one or two characters in past titles. Now we get to see them in some glory before it launches on November 29th for the PS4 and Xbox One.

If you look below you can see more of these firearms in use in some amazing ways in Final Fantasy XV. While there isn’t much detail on how they will be used, it looks like we’ll get to use them in the normal ways as well as some of the good old “gun blade” style of fighting from before. I don’t think it will be exactly like it has been in the past but it sure looks like it here. Maybe we’ll get to see more of it all in action here in the future but for now we just have some solid screenshots to check out here.

What do you all think about these new screenshots for Final Fantasy XV and the firearms here? Do you think that they will function similar as we’ve seen in other titles of the franchise? Will we have to use the sniper scope often or will it only be when we feel like we should? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments. For all things Final Fantasy XV here, be sure to stick around for all of the little tidbits to flow out here. We’re keeping an eye out for it all and we’ll do what we can to make sure you get it.

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