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Final Fantasy XV Will Let Us Reclaim Our Throne This September

Final Fantasy XV Will Let Us Reclaim Our Throne This September

Final Fantasy XV

The release date for Final Fantasy XV and a whole lot of other updates came out during the big Final Fantasy XV event last night

Last night was the night (3/30/16) and we received way more Final Fantasy XV news and updates than most of us could have ever imagined to come. Square Enix was in amazing form during the Uncovered event and even took the “leaked” information in stride. If you didn’t here before now the “leaked” info for Final Fantasy XV was that it would be releasing on September 30th of this year and that we are also getting a new demo for the game on the PS4 and Xbox One. Both confirmed true and the demo is currently live on both systems’ online stores.

That is about what most of us expected out there for Final Fantasy XV and I know I thought that the rest of the event would just be filled with gameplay and a lot of technical talk. While that did occur a bit I’m going to just let you enjoy the new trailer for the game and see all of the fun new gameplay before we get into all of the other craziness that was brought to light. Do enjoy.

Final Fantasy XV — Reclaim Your Throne

Simply stunning as always and I can’t wait to dig into the demo. You should too as it looks like it will be the only way for all of us to unlock Carbunkle once Final Fantasy XV finally launches. You won’t want to miss out on all of that as summons can make or break a battle. If the franchise’s past has anything to say about Carbunkle as well you may need that kind of healing at your beacon call.

Moving right along, it looks like the story for Final Fantasy XV is also getting a few great expansions over the 50+ hours of gameplay already spoken of. As it turns out there is also an anime in the works called Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV. It will be a five part story showing off the backstories of all of the friends we will have in the game so we can grow to love them. Hopefully that doesn’t mean that Square Enix will kill them off like other loved characters.

None the less it is coming and wouldn’t you know, the first of the five episodes is already available to get you in the mood. You can watch it just below.

Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV — Episode 1

Of course this is where one may think that the Final Fantasy XV news may have ended but it doesn’t look to be the case at all. Not only is there the above anime we have to look forward to but there is also a full on CG movie in the works as well. Titled Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive it is looking to even further the world set forth for us as we watch the story of Nyx unfold. Nyx being a member of the elite armed forces called the Kingsglaive in the world.

Not a whole lot else was explained about the film as of yet but it does look to employ the voice acting of Sean Bean, Lena Headey, and Aaron Paul for a group the main roles. All of those names have to sound familiar to all of you if you are reading this. If not Google them then come back as we have the first trailer for Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive just a bit lower for you to enjoy as well.

Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive — Trailer

Again the fun does end just there as Square Enix truly did have a lot more than just a release date to show off. It also looks like there will be another game linked into Final Fantasy XV and it was cleverly shown off as well. Justice Monsters Five is a new mobile game that has its place in the FFXV world as well as will be hitting our smartphones later this year. It is a nice little pinball mini-game that we can take right out of the game and anywhere else we want to go. It’s no Triple Triad but another way to keep us all engaged.

By now you must think that it all would be done but there is one last thing for Final Fantasy XV. As with most games, and this one is no different, there will be collector’s editions. Both of which were shown off and available for pre-order right now. We have a Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition and an Ultimate Collector’s Edition to add into the mix. The prior running you $89.99 USD while the later will set you back $269.99. We’ll have full details just below for you.

Final Fantasy XV — Deluxe Edition

Final Fantasy XV — Deluxe Edition

  • Two-disc steelbook including both Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive Blu-ray
  • Exclusive car recolor DLC
  • Royal Raiment costume DLC from Kingsglaive
Final Fantasy XV — Ultimate Collector's Edition

Final Fantasy XV — Ultimate Collector’s Edition

  • Two-disc steelbook including both Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive Blu-ray
  • Exclusive car recolor DLC
  • Royal Raiment costume DLC from Kingsglaive
  • Official Blu-ray Disc Music
  • Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV Blu-ray with exclusive sixth episode
  • Noctis action figure with Ultimate Edition-exclusive weapon

What do you think about everything here for Final Fantasy XV now? Are you surprised at how much is coming out just for this game or did you figure this would be the case? Which version of the game are you eyeballing to pick up after all of this? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. For more on Final Fantasy XV and everything else talked about here be sure to stay tuned into the site as we will bring it all as it comes out to us.

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