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Final Fantasy XV’s Shiva Is Out In Force With New Screenshots

Final Fantasy XV’s Shiva Is Out In Force With New Screenshots

Final Fantasy XV

A bunch of new screenshots for Final Fantasy XV have been released and we get to see Final Fantasy XV’s version of Shiva in action amongst other things

Just in case the bombardment of Final Fantasy XV pre-order videos wasn’t enough for us all this week, it looks like we have a whole slew of new screenshots for the game that show off the summon of Shiva, another location, and some of the behind the scenes stuff we will be micromanaging when the game hits the PS4 and Xbox One on November 29th. One would think that Square Enix is showing us way too much of the game before launch but I have a feeling this is all linked into how large the final game will be. It has been touted to be quite massive and you’d expect that with Final Fantasy XV having a ten year cycle of sorts that we won’t be left wanting for more for a long time in the game.

All of these seem to come from a new demo that is currently available on the Japanese PS Store and there is a new trailer for Final Fantasy XV mixed in at the end of it all. If you have an account and can navigate it you can have a look at it all weeks before the main game releases but I’ll leave all of that up to you. If you are not able to read or speak the language you may be left out a bit as it is set up for that region without translations, at least last I checked, so venture into that at your own risk. Or your own enjoyment depending on the situation. I’m just here to let you know about it so you can do as you please.

All of that said, let’s have a look at the new screens that Square Enix has given us for Final Fantasy XV now. This will give us all a look as to who the summon will interact with the world as well as how the skill trees and Libra will look when we fire it off. Again, all in Japanese so if you can’t read it you can at least enjoy the pretty pictures as we wait for a the next few weeks to run out on us.

What do you think about what we have here for Final Fantasy XV? Are you going to give the new demo a chance or are you just going to sit back and wait for the game to finally launch? What do you think the two different attacks or actions that Shiva will be able to take will play out? Let us know all of your thoughts and ideas down in the comments and discuss. Hopefully we’ll have more on Final Fantasy XV as we get closer to the end of the month. If we do then you can rest assured that we will have it up on the site here. Be sure to stick around and be on the lookout for all of that as it comes.

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