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Firebase Z Is Ready For Some Liberation In Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Firebase Z Is Ready For Some Liberation In Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The next Zombies update for Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is almost here with Firebase Z expanding out the Call Of Duty Zombies fun

Next week, we are going to see the saga of the Zombies shamble forward with the next bit of DLC for Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War that many have been waiting for. This one being the Firebase Z where Treyarch is only promising death for us waiting in the game. That is most likely a marketing ploy and fun play on words as Call Of Duty is not generally one of the games out there known to be hard as a gimmick. We will leave that to other titles out there. For the rest of us, the next DLC is coming and will take us into some new places and killing new foes in the Zombies mode for the game. Get all your digital firearms ready here.

As with all of the Call Of Duty Zombies updates, we have a new trailer to look at to remind us that the expansion is coming. Some of it is gameplay and other bits are shot to make it all seem a bit more interesting than running wild in the world and spraying bullets everywhere. Even though it can be a fun mode to play in the right setting, there is no denying that is how most Call Of Duty players will go into these things. Not that it is not fun, but there is generally no way most of us will see the action in the same way here or even the cool looking enemies we will find as we portal hope to other places. Have a look and tell me I am wrong on that.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War — Firebase Z

Only death awaits in “Firebase Z.”

Following the events of “Die Maschine,” Requiem’s next mission brings them deep into the jungles of Vietnam. Under the direction of Grigori Weaver, the team must uncover the secrets of Outpost 25 and face the threat that “lives” within to save Samantha Maxis.

This new Zombies experience arrives in Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War for all players on February 4.

Are you counting the days until this hits Call Of Duty or will it slide in without you noticing and playing on through it all? Do you wish there was a true way to play and experience the story in this mode or is that part of the appeal to you? How often do you roll in with the spray-and-pray mentality to these missions here? Let us have all of those thoughts and feelings down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more to share for Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, we will have it all here. Please keep checking back for all of that and much more.

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