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Five More Ways Mafia 3 Is Not Your Normal Open World Game

Five More Ways Mafia 3 Is Not Your Normal Open World Game

Mafia 3

More gameplay for Mafia 3 has popped up online and along with it comes some good explanation on how Mafia 3 is not an open world clone

If what we’ve seen so far for Mafia 3 wasn’t enough to get you interested in picking up the title then I don’t know what is wrong with you. I’m sure Hangar 13 would feel about the same way given all of the insane advancements and changes to the franchise that look to make it truly new. Of course you have a lot of people out there stating that Mafia 3 is just another open world clone of games like GTA now but as some new gameplay and impressions would show those people may be just as wrong as the mafia was to kill Clay’s crew.

As it turns out there have been some other major media outlets that have had a chance to place hands on with Mafia 3 and gain access to some new gameplay footage. Luck for them. Lucky for us though that they have placed all of this online for us to spy upon and see just how unique of an experience the game is going to be. I mean outside of the base story and more when we drill down into the nuts and bolts of the mechanics of the game. I think that is where it is going to truly shine and show us how different of a game it will be.

Since I know you’re just going to dig right into the gameplay of Mafia 3 here that we have and the video does just as good of a job as we would to describe things, I’ll let you just get to the video. No need to keep you reading on when you are about to get the same content. Have fun and enjoy.

Mafia 3 — Gameplay

Does this change any of your opinions on Mafia 3 now or are they the same? Do you think the “meta game” of doling out turf to other sub-bosses will get too taxing or will it make the story that much richer? How deep into the political structure of the 1960’s do you think Hangar 13 is going to go here? Let us know and discuss in the comments below. As we get more on Mafia 3 we will have it here for you so be certain to stick right here so you don’t miss out on a tasty morsel.

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