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Forspoken Has Even More Worlds Colliding This October

Forspoken Has Even More Worlds Colliding This October


A new trailer for Forspoken is here to bring more worlds and the release date for Forspoken

Hopefully by now, you have been updated that Forspoken will be hitting the PS5 and PC this coming October 11th. Even after the delay, it looks like things are progressing extremely fast for Luminous Productions and the timeline is shrinking with each passing day. That only gets compounded more when we get footage for Forspoken as we do today that dives into more of the world out there and some of the various things we will be facing off against that are trying to end it all. Something that will require more of the magical abilities of Frey to bring back into some form of harmony out there. It is either that or all of these worlds collide and it is the end of all things in this universe…

All in all, what we have for Forspoken now is a little more of the same but seeing Frey mixing up style with the magic granted in the lands of Athia. Given that and the different world Frey is from, all of this is put together in a fun parkour and skating way that we should have expected. All of which pushes Forspoken looking a bit closer to the likes of inFAMOUS from the past. Those are some massive shoes to fill but it definitely looks like the team is up to the task here. Have a gander at the new trailer we have as we wait for the final launch to come right at us. I have a feeling it will give you the same feelings that I have had here too.

Forspoken — Worlds Collide Gameplay

Frey is pushed to her limit in the strange and cruel land of Athia. She must use her magic-enhanced combat and parkour abilities to survive against the fearsome, twisted creatures that lurk in the Break.

She Will Rise

October 11, 2022

What are your thoughts on the new footage we have for Forspoken here and are you getting the same vibes as I am? Do you think this is all to show the roots of the character and how the magic can be used or just a fun flare of gameplay to entice us all more? Could we be seeing more of the same gameplay in the near future or will the team give us so much more to help it stand out on its own even more? Tell us what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. More for Forspoken is on the way, so be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much more.

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