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Four New Star Wars Battlefront Modes Kind Of Revealed

Four New Star Wars Battlefront Modes Kind Of Revealed

Star Wars Battlefront

A screenshot from the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront beta has revealed four new multiplayer modes for Star Wars Battlefront that have yet to be officially revealed

With the Star Wars Battlefront beta almost upon us it would be nice to get a better look at all of the modes we will be getting in said beta. We’ve already gone over all of this before though and it looks like these are not the only modes being shown off by DICE in the Star Wars Battlefront beta. It looks like four more modes are being shown off in this beta as new images from the mode select screen have given us names and images to go by with said modes. So take this all as being shown off in the way of the UI wasn’t updated much before Star Wars Battlefront hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC this week.

As far as the four new modes go, like I said, all we have are the names and EA has left it all up to us to speculate on what these modes will entail in Star Wars Battlefront. The names of these new modes are thus:

  • Blast
  • Cargo
  • Droid Run
  • Supremacy
Star Wars Battlefront — New Modes

Star Wars Battlefront — New Modes

I think “Blast” and “Supremacy” should be pretty obvious as the “Death Match” and “King Of The Hill” modes in Star Wars Battlefront. Makes pretty much sense there to me but I am definitely curious to find out what the other two entail. Cargo could really be anything or just DICE‘s true “Capture The Flag” mode for Star Wars Battlefront. Droid Run is the only one that truly has me scratching my head but hopefully we will get some kind of update before or shortly after the Star Wars Battlefront beta goes live here. At least we can hope…

What do you think that these new modes for Star Wars Battlefront have to offer? Do you think EA will jump in front of this and just give us all a nice description as we lead into the beta for the game? Do you think that Droid Run could just be a fun “Endless Runner” mixed into Star Wars Battlefront to troll all of those hardcore fans looking for something new? Let us know in the comments and discuss away. As the updates for Star Wars Battlefront come out and the beta gets underway we will have all the updates that we can right here so be sure to keep checking back for more on Star Wars Battlefront.

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