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Fracked Is Exploding Out With Guns Blazing Here

Fracked Is Exploding Out With Guns Blazing Here


The launch of Fracked is upon us and we have another quick look at Fracked just before donning our VR headsets

Our PSVR headsets are about to get a little more explosive with the release and launch for Fracked this week. Hells, it could already be the case for those that pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of the game and took nDreams up on the ability to play the game three days in advance. That was a thing and is still possible with the full release of Fracked hitting on August 20th. That would make that advanced play ability happen for you right now if you wanted to throw down the cash for it all. It is always an option and after seeing the latest for the game, you might want to do just that so you can get in on the skiing, climbing, and shooting adventure after you are done reading all of this.

Here we have one more look at how we will be moving around in Fracked while shooting down all of the enemies out there that will end our lives. All of which could be a little vertigo-inducing depending on how fast the game moves and flows when in practice. Fracked does look like we will have a whole lot going on and need to keep an eye on, and those with a lower tolerance for motion sickness could find themselves on the wrong end of it all. That is not to say that it does not look like a fun time, but when climbing a virtual ladder that is also falling down, that could upset some tummies out there. At the very least, it does look like the locomotion we will have to get around should blend well and allow for a better immersion into it all. It is time to find out now.

Fracked — Launch Trailer

Fracked launches on August 20th! Stranded in a remote mountain facility, you play as a reluctant hero forced into a final stand between the planet and a legion of interdimensional enemies. Take aim and run head-first into explosive action as you shoot, ski, and climb your way across an extreme adventure.

Designed specifically for PlayStation VR and PlayStation Move, Fracked pulls the action-adventure genre to revolutionary new heights through intuitive 1:1 VR gameplay. Interactions, locomotion, and gunfights seamlessly combine in a single, pioneering VR game. Experience further enhancements for the new PlayStation 5, including improved framerate, loading times, and uncapped dynamic resolution.

Want to play the game up to 72 hours early? You can if you preorder the Deluxe Edition!

Are you already playing Fracked and taking a look at this update or will you be jumping in as soon as it is done here? Do you think that this will cause more motion sickness in the game or could it function perfectly well and just add more to the immersion out there? Do you like the idea of skiing down mountains while shooting multiple enemies out there or will that be too fast of interaction for you too? Give us all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. When there is more to share for Fracked, if at all, we will have it on the site for you. Please keep an eye out for all of that and everything else that we could have along the way.

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